Crumbs || Bokuto Koutarou x reader

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You were lying down on your bed eating watching anime, while your boyfriend, Bokuto, was eating on your bedroom floor, chips and Cheetos falling onto your just-vacuumed carpet.

"BO-KU-TO!!!!!" You screamed, pausing your anime to lecture your childish boyfriend.

"Wha-what is is (Y/N)?" Bokuto squeaked in fear, backing up until his back hit a bedroom wall.


"S-SORRY (Y/N)-chan!!!" Bokuto pleaded, but you showed no mercy, taking his snacks away.

"Nooooo!!!" Bokuto whined, thrashing back and forth on the floor, throwing a tantrum while holding on to his last bag of chips for dear life.

"Give. Me. The. CHIPS!" You yell, lunging at Bokuto while trying to yank the bag of chips out of his arms.

"Noooo!!! Not the Layssss!!!" He cried, continuing his tantrum.

Soon, you two were rolling on the floor, trying to see who would get the chips.

You took this to your advantage.

You two tumbled on the floor, but finally, you were on top.

"Bokuto~!" You whined.

"W-what is it?" He asks, his face burning up.

"I want some chips too~!" You continue whining, "Share with me, pleaaaassseeee~?" You did the puppy dog eyes and pouted like a four-year-old. You knew that it was Bokuto's weakness.

"F-fine." He says, handing over the bag.

"GOTCHA!" You yelled, confiscating all of his snacks.

"Not fair!!!" Bokuto pouted, crossing his arms.

"But, you did hand them over. It's not like I completely forced you to!" You singsonged, sticking out your tongue and teasing your boyfriend.

You went back to watching your anime.

"If I can't eat chips..." He said, catching your attention.

"I'll just have you." He says, pouncing onto you, and kissing your neck over and over again, knowing that you're highly ticklish.

"Bokuto! Stop!" You say in between giggles.

"It's your fault for taking away my chips!"


This one was short gomen!!!

I hope you all liked it tho, and pls, vote and comment if u did. Feedback is appreciated!!!

Love y'all!!!


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