Only Fools || Oikawa Tooru x Reader (song-fic)

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(Song in media above , I will say when to start playing the song)

"Iwa-chan!!! Did you see the new girl?" Oikawa asked cheerfully.

"Yeah. Her name is (F/N) (L/N)."

"What a pretty name for a beautiful girl!" Oikawa swooned.

"Don't you dare fall for her." Iwaizumi says to the brown haired male.

"Whyyy not Iwa-chan?" Oikawa asks.

"Because, they say that only fools fall for her, she's apparently broken many hearts before." Iwaizumi warned.

"Then I'm a fool." Oikawa whispered to himself, remembering how you guys met a month ago.

~Oikawa's Memory~

I was surrounded by my fangirl's as usual, all of them handing over lunches they made for me and chocolates, and of course, I accepted them, but then, one girl caught my eye.

She had (H/L) (H/C) hair that flowed right past her as she walked right past me, ignoring the mass of girls crowding me. She seemed uninterested in me, which was a first.

Throughout the day, I kept on seeing that girl, alone at lunch, alone in class , and just being alone in general, reading a book. Realizing she was in my class, I went to go start a conversation with her.

"Hey there, whatcha readin'?" I asked.

You held up the book cover.

"Sixtieth Summer..." I read out loud, "Is that a romance novel?"

You nodded, not looking at him in the eye.

"Say, why don't you come with me to that codes shop nearby?" I ask, leaning in on her desk.

"Sorry, but I'm not looking for a relationship at the moment." You say bluntly, closing your book and walking out of the room, leaving me alone.

~End of memory~

Oikawa sighed, leaving the gym.

"I won't stop (Y/N), not until you notice me."

Your P.O.V.

That guy kept on hitting on you. He's been catching you when the class was empty, and was following you. You knew his name, Tooru Oikawa.

You never wanted to fall in love ever again, so despite the fact that you thought he was sweet, you tried your best to ignore him and the world itself.

You've already been hurt before, you didn't want it to happen again, so you broke many boy's hearts, turning them all down. It's not that you wanted to be mean, you just didn't want to be hurt, but no matter how many times you turned Oikawa down, he just kept on coming back.

Sighing, you sat down on the park bench, as it started to snow, and took out the book Sixteenth Summer. Looking at the cover, you immediately thought of Oikawa, and how you met.

You started to feel all light and bubbly just by picturing his face, but you quickly shook that feeling off. You couldn't be falling in love, not now, not ever.

(Start music)

You remembered your first love and how he broke your heart, then, someone ran up to you, calling your name.

'I am tired of this place, I hope people change
I need time to replace what I gave away'

"(Y/N)!" Oikawa yelled.

'And my hopes, they are high, I must keep them small
Though I try to resist I still want it all'

"Oikawa-san, what is it?" You asked the brunette.

He grinned.

"Come with me to Second Cup!" He smiled.

"But Oikawa-", he cut you off.

"Just give me a chance." He interrupted, holding out his hand.

'I see quiet nights poured over ice and Tanqueray
But everything is shattering and it's my mistake'

Hesitantly, you put away your book in your bag, and took his hand, blushing ever so slightly. Oikawa's face lit up.

'Only fools do what I do, only fools fall'

You sat down together at a small table in Second Cup, and talked over a cup of coffee. You had to admit, but he was fun to talk to, it was...relaxing for a change. He made you smile so effortlessly and made you feel like you belonged. You and Oikawa were laughing over a silly subject, when you saw it.

'Oh, our lives don't collide, I'm aware of this
The differences and impulses and your obsession with it'

You were in love.

'The little things, you like stick, and I like aerosol
I don't give a fuck, I'm not giving up, I still want it all'

Oikawa looked at you confused as to why you were staring.

You kept on thinking, 'no way no way this can't be!', but your heart kept on screaming 'he's the one!!!'

Confused, you jolted up.

"What is it (F/N)-chan?" Oikawa asked, concerned.

"N-nothing." You say, "I just need some fresh air." You walked out of the coffee shop, Oikawa following you.

'I see swimming pools and living rooms and aeroplanes'

"Why are you running away (Y/N)?!" Oikawa yelled.

"I see a little house on the hill and children's names"


'I see quiet nights poured over ice and Tanqueray'

"Why?" You repeated, facing Oikawa, tears running down your face.

'But everything is shattering and it's my mistake'

"Because I don't want to fall in love!" You scream.

Swiftly, Oikawa pulled you into a hug.

"Love isn't something you can run away from (F/N)." He whispered softly into your ear.

"But I don't want to be-"

"I'll never hurt you." Oikawa said.

"How would I know?" You choked on tears.

"Trust me." He said, looking straight into your eyes.

You hugged him back, burying your crying face into his chest.

"I'm such a fool." You mutter, making Oikawa chuckle.

"Well, do you trust me?" Oikawa asked.

Looking up, you stared straight into his eyes and nodded.

"Yeah, I trust you." You whisper.

Then, he swept you off the ground, and before you know it, his soft lips had been planted on yours, a passionate, true loves kiss, nothing like the kisses your old boyfriend used to give you. This kiss, was special, different, unique, and you loved it.

You found yourself kissing back, wrapping your arms around his neck.

When the kiss finally ended, Oikawa rested his forehead on yours.

"I'm glad." Oikawa mumbled.

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