Again, I jumped up, Eden falling behind me as she had been pressed to tightly against me.

"Really?" I squeaked, knowing I sounded nothing like the mature, eager scholar I should. But I didn't care.

"Send over your application and transcripts directly to me," he instructed. I will review it all, and call you with a response in the coming weeks. I cant promise you admission, but I do promise you my consideration."

"Thank you," I said breathlessly. "I understand I am late, but truly appreciate any consideration you can give me."

"It is my pleasure," he said, and I could almost see the smile on his face. No doubt, someone of my status at their school would be cause of concession. Again, I knew no 'normal' student would be given this consideration.

The moment I hung up the phone, Eden and I jumped from the couch, jumping up and down like children. Gathering my paperwork, applications and transcripts, I ran to my mothers study, preparing the package directed to the dean. Leaving it in the pile of outgoing mail in the main manor office, I stared at it for a long while before Eden finally dragged me away.

My next stop, once Eden had headed home that night, was to Harry. I told him of the progress I had made, the deans call, and his promise to consider me. He was thrilled for me, again bringing up the suggestion that we go down to Birmingham for a couple of days for him to show me around. I was so excited, so elated, I jumped on him, clinging to him tightly as my legs wrapped around his waist.

He congratulated me for most of the evening, leaving marks on my body and my hips feeling delectably unhinged. Reminding me that I did have a mother to inform of my progress, he ushered me out of his room, giving me one swift kiss as he stood in his doorway in nothing but his boxers, before slapping my ass to scoot me down the hall.

Now, my mothers reaction was not quite as positive as Harrys. Her face was stone, and while her words were congratulatory, her tone was anything but. The meeting was short, as I knew she didn't care for the topic, and I didn't care for her presence. Leaving her in the common room, it was almost like fate that I met Ford in the hallway.

He, however, seemed a medium between Harry and my mother. While happy for me, he seemed unsure. He admitted that it was merely because of the idea of me leaving home with the first degree of permanency ever. He had spent his life protecting me, guarding me. For me to leave and start a life on my own left him feeling...unsure.

Very empty nest of him, I pointed out.

It had been over two weeks since that day, and each passing hour only increased my agitation. The dean had promised he would call once his decision was reached, but as it was now late July, the longer it took only made me more certain of his rejection.

Laying in my bed after a day of chess with my Grandad, I was staring at my phone having a little quiet social media time. It wasn't often that I browsed the likes of Twitter and Snapchat, but sometimes you just wanted to get lost in some sense of other peoples lives.

A gentle knock at my door interrupted my solitude, causing me to frown in its general direction.

"Who is it?"

"Erina," the gentle, accented voice called.

Pushing off my bed, I opened the door to find the short, stout woman looking at me with a warm smile.

"Sorry to bother you, Miss Charlotte,"

"Its fine," I smiled. I had always loved Erina. So warm and motherly, the way she would slap my hand with her spoon if I tried to sneak food, or bring me soup when I was ill.

"Your mother asked me to have you come to her study," she said.

My brow furrowed.

"Do you know why?" I asked.

"No, miss," she shook her head. "I just passed her in the hall a moment ago, and she asked me to come get you."

I sighed, feeling irritated. My mother knew if she was to appear at my door, more than likely I wouldn't respond. To send Erina, who she knew I adored, was a sneaky move.

"Okay," I agreed. "Thank you, Erina."

Erina gave me a warm grin, before hurrying on her way towards the living area. She was such tiny, round woman, she always made me smile.

Steadying myself, I closed my bedroom door and headed towards my mothers study. We hadnt said much to each other in recent weeks, other than the required interactions, and the fake displays when out at events. She had given up in her pushy force with regard to seeking my forgiveness, and I knew it was merely because she knew it wasn't going to come by might.

Pulling open the door to her study, I found her at her desk, as I assumed I would. She looked up as I entered, a pleasant smile on her face. My eyes set on her momentarily, before moving on to the other person in the room.

He was tall, well dressed in a light gray suit. The color only intensified the gray of his hair, the lines of his face. He looked like a college professor, with his sharp eyes and heavy briefcase at his feet.

"Charlotte," my mother said sweetly, standing from her chair. Holding out her hand, she gestured between myself and the man. "This is Michael Obervie."

My brow furrowed as I approached the man, and accepted the hand he offered. He regarded me as though I should know who he was.

Turning back to my mother, her face was impassive.

"He is the Dean of St Andrews University."

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