Chapter 2

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"That is not going to happen"

"Are you guys for real!?"

"Are you out of your minds?"

"That's not even fair!"

Basically, after our parents told us what was going on, none of us could control ourselves. It was no big surprise to everyone that I was whining the most. All of them knew why. It was because of Drake Middleton. I haven't seen him for a long while, 2 years maybe, and I wasn't planning on it.

"CALM DOWN!" my dad unexpectedly screamed. That's all it took to shut all our mouths.

"I do not want anyone arguing about this any further. Whether you like it or not we will be going with them and that is final." My mom nodded in agreement.

"We expect all of you to pack your bags tomorrow as we will be leaving the next day."

And with that, they left my room.

My siblings were still here though, and when my parents left, Dylan slammed my door shut and that's when we started whining again.


When my siblings left my room, I wrote a list of things that I'll be needing for the trip. I love being organised.
After I finished writing down everything, I starting packing my bags. When I was midway, my phone rang. I went to my nightstand to grab it and picked it up without checking who's calling me.

"Hello?" I said lazily. I heard some muffled noises before that person just cut the phone. Huh.
I checked who was trying to call me but the number was blocked. Well I guess I'll just get back to packing.
Before I could even do that, the same blocked number was calling me. Should I be worried?
"Um hello?" I questioned.

"Is this Casey Primer?" a very low and sturdy like voice spoke.

"Yeah..who is this?"

"Just know, that I know your secret, and you can't get away with it unless you pay us."

"What the hell? I have no such -" wait a second.. DAMMIT.

"DRAKE IS THAT YOU!?" I screamed through the phone.

I heard some loud laughing/snorting noises before he said,"Did I sca-HAHA-re you C-Casey? He said trying to get control of himself.

"You're a pr*ck  and I hate you."

"Glad to know we share mutual feelings  Cassandra." He did not just go there.

"How many times did I tell you to not call me that you idiot."

"Hm I didn't think you would mind as we haven't spoken in so long," he said.

"Well I do. How did you even get my number?"

"Connections through my mom's phone."

"So let me get this straight, you practically snooped through your mum's phone to get my number to prank call me?"

There was silence for 3 seconds and then he said, "Yup."

"Ugh whatever now if you'll excuse me I have some things to do." I was gonna hang up before he spoke .

"So are you excited that you're finally gonna meet me after 2 years?"

"You're seriously not asking me that after everything you've done."

He laughed and said," I am."

"Well then my answer is no."

"But I'm so excited you know I've been wai-" Before he could complete his sentence, I cut the phone and returned to pack my bags.


All of us finished packing our bags. Currently, we are on the dining table eating dinner. No one has spoken a word about tomorrow. That is, until now.

"So have you kids packed everything you need?" mom asked.

All of us said yes and went back to finishing our dinner. Only to be interrupted by my dad again.

"You guys will have to wake up at 5:00AM tomorrow as our flight is quite early."


"You've gotta be joking."

"Really dad?"

He shot us a glare that quietened us all down again like earlier. 

I should probably text Lydia, my best friend, and tell her that I'm going away for more than 2 weeks. When she finds out with whom I'm going with, she would freak out too. She knows everything he has done.

I finish my dinner and go text her a Heyyy.

She replies seconds later. What's up??

Laying on my bed chilling ;)

Same ugh.

So I'm going away for 15 days.. My flight is tomorrow morning.

Really???? Why didn't you tell me before.

Well I did find out about this last night. And then today I got busy with packing and stuff.

Ohh:( where to?

America. On a cruise.

That's great!

No it's not, guess with whole we're going with.


The Middletons.

I will pray for you my child. :'((

Will need it. Anyways I'll see you after I come back. Keep in touch, goodnight :)


I keep my phone on my nightstand and go to the bathroom to brush my teeth. After everything is set, I head to bed.

I really don't wanna go to this cruise thing.

Another update!!
Hope you liked it<3

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