Through Someone Else's Eyes

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Chapter 15: through someone else's eyes
-Bex p.o.v.-

As Bex ran into the Forbidden Forest, it left only Sirius Black, James Potter, Remus Lupin, and Lily Evans standing by the tree line. Peter Pettigrew was still making his way down the small hill and to where the group stood.

"Oh, I hope she doesn't get hurt." Lily voiced her concerns for her best friend.

"I'm sure she'll be just fine." Remus sympathized for the red-head. "There are plenty of creatures that are friendly in there, right?"

"Like the centaurs, and unicorns." James spoke for the first time since Bex had left. He took the opportunity to try and comfort Lily. James wrapped an arm around her shoulder and pulled her close to him. "She'll be just fine, Evans."

Lily, surprising everyone, leaned into James' side. "Thanks."

"For what?" He asked shocked that he had not been turned down by the beautiful young woman yet.

"For being Bex's friends and trying to stop her as well." Lily spoke softly. Her eyes widened and she turned to Sirius. "Except for you. You let her go!" She gave Sirius a murderous glare and pulled away from James so that she could move closer to Sirius. Sirius backed away slowly as Lily took steps towards him. She poke his chest with each word to emphasize what she was saying, "how. dare. you. You. just. let. her. go. I. can't. believe. you."

"Okay, Evans, I think he gets the point." James grabbed the seething red-haired beauty's hand and tried to pull her away from his best friend.

"Let go of me Potter." Lily said shaking him away. She stomped off, leaving the group just as Peter joined them.

"So this means I should probably not ask you out, right?" James called after the girl.

"Leave me alone, Potter! It's never going to happen!" She screamed at him and left their sight.

"She's so pretty when she's mad." James sighed still looking at the place where Lily disappeared from his line of sight.

"You've got it bad, mate." Sirius spoke to his friend.

"I can't help it, she's just so amazing." James had a goofy smile on his face.

"Oh great," Sirius groaned. "Now he's gonna go on and on about how wonderful she is."

James rolled his eyes. "I'm just going to say one thing: she will be mine, she so wants me. She's probably just in denial, she doesn't want to admit that she loves someone as good looking as me."

"That's what you always say, Prongs. And she always says no." Remus said, being the voice of reason. "And Sirius, it's going to be you sometime soon."

"What's that suppose to mean?" Sirius asked confused.

"You see how the guys act around Bex." Remus shrugged. "She's got to be one of the most wanted girls here. You saw how she can charm people into getting whatever she wants, she's strong, brave, and in-deniably beautiful. She's going to have you falling for her anytime now, and you're going to fall hard."

"You don't know that." Sirius spoke defensively.

"Yeah, right." James snorted. "It's so going to happen. My bets on by the end of this year she's going to have you wrapped around her little finger."

"No, defiantly sometime during sixth year. She's strong, she won't let herself fall for someone with open arms." Remus disagreed.

"So Sirius is going to love her by the end of this year, and she will love him back by the end of next year?" James straightened out.

"That's right," Remus nodded.

"You guys are making guesses about what my love life is going to be like?!" Sirius exclaimed.

"Yup." Both of his friends nodded simultaneously.

He rolled his eyes and started away from them. They laughed and easily caught up with him.

Together the three walked back to the castle, Peter struggling to keep up.

That was the boys' thoughts, what do you think? And what about Remus and James' prediction? Do you think they are right? Maybe they have a little seer blood in them ;) comment, fan, follow, share, vote, etc. thanks!

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