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Emma first realized she loved Regina on a seemingly normal day. They had started what seemed to be a decent friendship. After the Graham problem had been resolved the two women had decided to get along for Henry's sake, and then they eventually bonded. They had more in common than they thought. It wasn't like they were best friends, but they had something. Something that Emma couldn't quite name. She liked the mystery and she loved the pull she seemed to have to Regina. She just couldn't explain what it was.

"Hey kid." Emma smiles walking into Granny's. Her son and Regina were sitting in a booth.

"Hi Emma." Henry replies, sleep still evident in his voice.

"We got you coffee." Regina tells the blonde as she slides across the booth. "Henry, sweetie, eat your breakfast, your bus will be here soon."

"I don't feel good." Henry murmurs.

'He's faking.' Emma thinks.

She usually knows it when people are lying, and she always loved to play hookey. She bets he wants out of that math test he'd been complaining about the night before. She waits for Regina to point this out, but to Emma's surprise she doesn't. Regina immediately places her hand on Henry's forehead to check for a fever. Emma is shocked that this hadn't been a prank. He was actually sick.

"What hurts?" Regina asks in a worried tone. "Is it your stomach?" Henry lays his head on her shoulder and nods.

Emma had never seen them so intimate. Henry must have really been sick to seek comfort from his mother. He'd been so cold to this woman, but it was clear that he wanted her to make him feel better, and she was jumping at the chance. It makes Emma's heart hurt for the mayor.

"Okay, my little prince, let's get you home." Regina is already moving to stand up and gather Henry. "Emma, are you coming?"

When they get back to the Mayoral Mansion, Regina sets Henry up on the couch. She gives him some tylenol and makes him some lemon tea. Emma watches as Regina tucks a blanket around him and makes sure that he's comfortable. Emma had never seen anyone so motherly and loving before. It makes her heart skip a beat. Regina never failed to amaze her or to get her heart pumping extra hard.

"Okay love, get some rest." Regina says quietly. Regina leans over and kisses her son on the forehead. "I love you."

That's the moment Emma knew. The moment she realized she was too far in and never wanted out. She was in love with Regina Mills. She just had no idea what that meant and no idea where she was supposed to go from here.


Henry still saw his grandparents often. They always asked about Emma and he always told them the same thing; she was fine. Regina hadn't pushed Emma to talk to her parents, she knew it was something Emma had to choose to do on her own. The couple was just thankful that the Charmings had seemed to have given up on breaking them up.

"I'm home!" Regina calls, entering the kitchen to where Emma is busy making popcorn.

"Hi!" Emma grins turning to give Regina soft peck on the lips. "How was work?"

"Lots of paperwork." Regina pouts. "I would much rather have stayed here with you." Regina pulls Emma back to her for a hug. Emma chuckles.

"I missed you too." Emma says. "Henry is having dinner with the Uncharmings tonight so I thought we could order takeout and watch one of those cheesy musicals you like so much."

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