The larger man pulled out his phone as the scene in front of him played out.  He watched as the girl stretched and Luke entered.  He spoke and she turned to face them.  It was her all right.  He speed dialed a number and brought the phone up to his ear.

            “James,” he said, “We’ve found her.” He watched as the boy pulled her to him and they kissed.  Disgusting.  The smaller man whistled which resulted in him having a hard slap to the arm.

            “Good,” his boss spoke.  “Do you know of a way that we can contact her?  We need to get her off of that campus as easily as possible.  And that means not being detected.” The man nodded.

            “I feel that you already have a plan sir.” He listened as his boss laughed.

            “Yes, I will get my boy on it as soon as possible.  You may leave now Richie.  You are one agent who never seems to disappoint me.”

            “If only we could say the same thing about Ted.” He looked over at the smaller man in disgust.  He listened as he boss laughed.  He said his goodbyes and hung up.  He closed his phone and shoved it into his pocket. 

            “Our work is done here.” Richie said as he turned to go.  Ted followed him out of the building. 

            “I wish I got some of that action.” Ted started to cackle.  Richie rolled up his sleeves and hit him hard on the back of the head.  When his sleeves were up, the large circular burn on his left wrist was visible.  He was a member.

            “And then he kissed me.” I was busy filling in Parker on the newest of what had happened during the week.  It had been two days since Luke had kissed me, and I was still freaking out.  I sat down on the bed next to him.  He was wearing a headset today.  He smirked.

            “Lucky you,” he was playing COD again.  He ran up a staircase and went to a window.  He sat in wait for his next victim. 

            “You’re jealous.” His on screen person crouched down and took aim. 

            “Sure, I am jealous that you kissed your roommate, who just so happens to be a guy.”  Yeah, I knew it.  A person came into view and Parker shot him dead.  He smiled to himself as he did so.

            “I got the flag.” The foggy voice came out of his Xbox and I jumped. 

            “What the?” I screeched.  Were Xboxes supposed to talk?

            “Dude, you have a chick in your room?” The Xbox spoke again.  Parker nodded his head in defeat.  “Is it Scarlet?” The guy blurted.  ‘Scarlet’? I mouthed.  Parker got up and grabbed the remote to his Xbox.  He turned off the volume.  I smiled.  So, that was why he looked at her like that.

            “You like Scarlet,” I teased.  At that his cheeks lit up.

            “Do not!”

            “Do to.”


            “Yes,” I was so going to win this.  Now his ears were turning red.




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