Chapter Two

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I just heard a story about a peacock *eats sixth waffle* yum. :3






            I woke up when the dorm room door slammed shut.  I was rather surprised that I heard that with my ear buds in and turned up full blast, I was even more surprised that my alarm hadn’t gone off.  ‘Calling on you’ by Stryper was blasting through my ear buds.  That man had such a beautiful voice.  I rolled over and tapped on the screen of my ipod to check the time.  Seven fifty-three.  Oh, I had slept late…wait class was at Eight.

            “Argh,” I growled at my stupidity.  I sprang out of my bed and ran to the mirror on the wall.  I was a bit wrinkly shirt and skirt wise, but my hair was fine.  What was I saying?  My curls were out of control!  One side of my head was flat while the other was a freaking jungle, now where did I put my brush.  You don’t have time for that Charlene.  I grabbed a ribbon out of my bag and tied back my hair.  I don’t know why, but I always tied my hair with ribbons.  I went over to my bag and grabbed my schedule, and then I was off.

            I sprinted down the hall and took the stairs two at a time.  I looked down at my ipod, I only had three more minutes.  Come on Charlene, where was your running mentality now?  You are an athlete, run!  I am in a skirt.  Ugh, skirts.  I reached the bottom of the stairs, but my knees must have assumed that some invisible ones were further down, because when I started to run again and fell flat on my face.  I picked myself up again and scrambled to get my schedule back in my grasp.  After I had regained my composure I checked out my surroundings.  All of the girls in the main lounge were staring at me.  I waved, what, had they never seemed a stressed new girl before?  I huffed and continued on.

            Once I was outside of the building I started to really layer on some speed.  Not many people were out here to see me, so I didn’t really care about keeping a low profile.  Being late on your first day wasn’t that normal.  I flew through a group of guys, one turned and whistled at me, I nodded it off.  A large man in what looked like a jump suit eyed me, and then I disappeared into the science building. 

            I stopped to check my schedule, room one-seventeen.  Okay, you got this.  I looked at the sign posted on the wall.  One hundreds on the second floor. Are you kidding me?  I started up again, not bothering to check my ipod, I didn’t have that kind of time.  I found a staircase and raced up it.  Come on, you have to make this.  I reached my hall.  One-twelve, one-fourteen.  Other side, one-seventeen, yes.  I grabbed onto the door frame to stop myself and the bell went off.  Man, I wasn’t inside yet.  I spun into the room trying to catch my breath. 

            The whole room turned to face me.  All of the girls and boys were in their perfect uniforms, I looked down at myself, I was completely wrinkled and probably had sweat stains in some unforgiving places.  I looked back up and smiled, trying to straiten out my hair bow.

            “Hi,” I waved.  Silence.  I hung my head and started into the room.  I was normally a fan of biology, but this class stunk already.

            “Ms. Andrews.” The teacher said.  He was tall and rather young.  He had some golden brown hair tousled on the top of his head, it hung over the rim of his glasses.  Designer glasses, nice.

            “Yes,” I said eagerly, a little too eagerly.

            “Take any empty seat.” I nodded at his generosity.  I fidgeted with the hem of my shirt as I took the stool closest to me.  I pulled it out from under the table and slid on top.  The teacher, Mr. Kridd, started the lesson immediately.  We were in the middle of learning about the plat cell when my desk buddy spoke up.

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