The First Letter

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What are you supposed to do when you get a letter, specifically a love letter, from someone you've never met, who not only lives halfway across the country from you, but is slowly dying due to an aggressive form of lung cancer? I didn't know then, but I do now. 

"Dearest Drew," it began. 

Oh great, I thought, what could this be?  I wondered.

"Dearest Drew, 
You probably don't remember me, but I must say, I remember you quite well... You see, it wasn't until recently that I decided to actually attempt to get in touch with you. I've been, well, scared. Why, you ask? The answer to that question is simple, really. I am in love with you."

I actually had to physically put down the letter at this point because, come on, who would be in love with me?? Curious, I picked up the letter and continued.

"Now, I know that this has probably come as a shock to you, considering the fact that you don't remember me and everything. That doesn't matter. And it doesn't change my feelings either. Ha. So, Drew Taylor, (yes, I know your middle name... You'd be surprised how much I know about you, Drew.) do tell me, do I have any hope of you returning the affection? "

Once again, I had to put the letter down. How much did this kid know about me?? And how did he know where I live? And he said that he remembered me, which means that we'd met but... did I have a stalker? Nah, something that weird and exiting would never happen to me. I skimmed over the rest of the letter, nothing important, but he did leave a return address...

"Yours Truly, 
A secret admirer."
It finished. 

Oh good grief. 

I decided to let the letter sit for a while, try to figure out if I should return it... 

Authors note:

Super short chapter haha. Anyway, hope you enjoyed it! It is my entry for the #justwriteit challenge, #loveletter addition. Woop woop.

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