The helicopter landed and we all boarded on with our overnight bags in hand, 'I don't wanna goooo...' I thought as I sluggishly climbed the few foldout steps.

In just 12 minutes, we traveled over 350 miles and arrived at the castle. We landed on our private runway and I sighed as I unwillingly got out.

The helicopter pilot is also our most trusted butler, Tamaki, "Please, come with me inside," with that, he walked towards the doors of the castle and we all followed. The doors burst open and everyone was flooded with welcomes from the maids on the left and butlers on the right.

Tamaki took his place at the end of the butler line and I saw that my was grandfather waiting at the end of the hall. He had a bright smile on his face, like always, so I couldn't tell if it was a serious matter or just a small family reunion.

He bowed in respect, just like all of the maids and butlers in the room. Each of us bowed back to him.

"Hello Grandfather. How have you been? It's been so long," I asked with a fake smile.

'Ughhhhh. I don't wanna be here....'

My grandfather immediately dropped the Royal act and sprang at me with his arms spread open. He squeezed me so tight in his hug that I thought I would suffocate.

"Can't.... Breath..." I managed to say.

He quickly released his arms from around me and cleared his throat, returning to royal mode, "Umm... Sorry about that. It's just that I've missed you so much Mako-chan!! I've been so lonely ever since Kako-chan and Hisahito-chan left home a year and a half ago..." he trailed off.

I immediately spun on my heel to face my younger sibling. I was stunned, "Why did you leave? Where did you go?" I asked furiously.

'God, I can't believe those two! How can they leave Grandpa alone like this?'

Neither of them answered.

"Ahh... So you must be Sora-kun then I suppose?" Grandpa asked, now focusing his attention on Sora.

"Umm... Yes Sir. I'm Sora Usui. Pleased to meet you Sir!" Sora formally introduced himself and bowed.

Grandpa bowed in return, "Haha! Please, call me Akihito! I'm not one for formalities," he pointed out.

"Oh, alright then," Sora replied nervously.

I giggled to myself, "He must be nervous about meeting the most powerful man in Japan!'

"Well, I suppose I'll show you to your rooms then," Grandpa said and led us down the hall and up the stairs. The many, many, many stairs. We stopped at the top which has a locked door, "Mako, this is yours. Please, don't leave until a maid or butler comes for you," and he led us inside.

"Oh, c'mom Gramps! Who am I? Rapunzel?? I complained as I glanced over all of the furniture. There's a lot of my favorite colors; white and black. Every wall is painted white and many of the pieces of furniture are black. I smiled. I've never seen this much of my favorite colors in one room... Finally, I glanced over to the right and saw a window. Without and screens or bars. And certainly big enough to fit through. I smirked, this is my escape route.

"Don't you even try Mako!" Grandpa warned sternly and I sighed, faking defeat.

"Fiiiine...." I groaned.

'Psshh! Have you even met me you old fart? LIEEEES!!! Of course I'm gonna try, who do you think I am? I'm the rebellious princess who is probably your worst choice for the empress of Japan.'

"Good. I'll send a maid for you at dinner time," with that, they all walked out and he slammed the door behind him. I heard a quiet click, signaling that the door is now locked.

The Girl He SavedWhere stories live. Discover now