Chapter 14 > currently editing

Start from the beginning

It made me so angry, he could've called me something bad and I don't even know.

"Well as I was saying, it says here that we have to make an invention." He says, as if he knew everything.

I rolled my eyes, turning away acting like im not there.

"Huh?!!!" He says loudly, making me jump as I turned his way as he was glaring at me.

I coughed a little, shrugging as his eyes rolled.

It was like our thing, everytime he said something stupid, I would roll my eyes and everything I would say something irritating, he would roll his eyes.

He breathes heavily, about to speak.

"Okay I was thinking we should try to use a toaster, and when you put the bread inside of it, we can try to do this cool thing where it spreads peanut butter or jelly on it." He says sounding happy that he finally made up an idea.

And which I, thought it was very stupid.

"That's impossible." I said, furrowing my eyebrows as I folded my arms.

He groaned, "Well we can try."

"No way." I said shaking my head.

"Come on please, that's a really good idea, plus we can atleast try." He begs, as I bit my lip trying to think on my decision.

On the contrary, it does seem like we can do it, but I will be doing the paper work, HE can do the machine and magic.

"Fine." I let out a sigh, as he smirked.

"Alright." He says, excitedly taking the info sheet out.

"What should we name it?" He asks, looking up at me again.

"Hmmm." I slowly thought, thinking of names popping into my mind.

"peanutbutterjelly magic toaster." He blurts out, as I couldn't help but laugh hysterically.

What the fuck name is that? Is he in kindergarten or something?

Of course usually the popular kids are stupid, but I didn't think that they would be this retarded.

"Are you kidding me Calum? That is too long." I giggled, trying to hold it in, as he began to join in with me.

"Not my fault I have a shitty brain." Calum says, as we tried to stop laughing as the librarian told us to "shh" or we would get kicked out.

"Phew, that was hilarious." I said letting one big breathe out, as he was grinning at me.

I couldn't help but blush. I knew my cheeks were heating up.

"How about peanutbutter&jelly toaster?" I said, as he nodded still smiling at me.

"Now that's way more easier to say." I smiled, as I began to write it down on the info sheet.

"Daisy." Calum said my name awkwardly, as I looked up with a questionable look on my face.

"Maybe we should go to starbucks and hang out. We can do this later." Calum shrugs, with a short smile.

"I would love that." I agreed with a giggle.

✿ ✿ ✿

"And then what happened?" I giggled trying to hold in the rest of my laugh.

"I took a picture of him taking a shit, literally taking a shit." He smirks, staring at something for a moment trying to realize how much he loved those times.

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