"Very well." She said. The portrait swung open, and I climbed inside the common room. Adele was nowhere in sight, which meant she could only be in her room. I searched all of the doors until I found the right one, and pushed it open. 

Adele was laying down on her bed, crying her eyes out. I cautiously approached her. "Hi, Adele." I said gently, sitting down beside her. 

She looked up at me with red eyes. "Why are you here? Did you follow me?" 

"Yes, because I knew something was wrong. Do you wanna talk about it?" I asked her, rubbing her back. 

She sat up slowly. "I-I like this guy, and Ron's being very in-in-s-sensitive about it. He w-wants me t-to tell him."

"That's all? I thought it was something like… well, I don't know. Maybe you should tell the guy." Secretly, I was dying to know who it was, but she obviously didn't want to tell me. 

It was probably Draco or Harry though, as much as I was disgusted by it. Those were practically the only two that girls went for. Sure, people occasionally liked others, but it was mainly those two. 

"I'm scared though." Adele had stopped crying, and was now staring at me. "What if he doesn't like me back?"

"That's a risk we all have to take, Adele. He might like you back, you know." I said encouragingly. 

"No he doesn't! I know who he fancies, and it's not me." She snapped.

"Alright." I stood up. "Adele, I can't boss you around. But, from experience, trust me. If you wait too long, he's going to move on. I'll see you later, I guess."

 I stepped forward, and heard the sound of crinkling paper. I picked up the newspaper that I had stepped on, and read the headline.

Youngest Death Eater, Scarlett Riddle, Daughter of You-Know-Who, has escaped Azkaban!

I sighed. Now they would probably shut Hogwarts down or something. 

 I know Scarlett personally. It's a long story, so I'll just cut to the chase. She broke into my house, and she killed my mother many years ago. Everybody thinks one of her "experiments" went wrong, but she really was murdered by Scarlett.

I know Scarlett didn't want to murder. Her daddy Imperiused her. I could tell from the way she acted that she wasn't doing it from her own will. So I guess Voldemort Imperiused her.

"Luna!" My best friend Ginny Weasley shouted. I turned and she ran up to me. 

"Luna, you have to get back to the Great Hall. It's Emily. She's choking, and nobody knows what to do." Ginny almost screamed.

"Okay, follow me. We need a bezoar." I turned to the dungeons. 

"There's no time for that!" Ginny shouted.

I sprinted towards the dungeons, ignoring her. I was the only one who could save her, because I was the only one using my head. Oh, I totally forgot! I started back towards the hall, pulling the bezoar from my bag.

"I was going to get extra credit for bringing this in with Slughorn. But this is more important, by far." I said.

We burst into the hall, where everybody was surrounded by Emily, except Adele and Ron. Ron had apparently disappeared while I had been gone, probably gone after Adele.

I raced to Emily, pushing everybody else out of the way. When I reached her, I shoved the bezoar down her throat. She gasped, relaxed, and lay down on the floor.

Everybody seemed frozen for a second. Then Emily sat up, and sighed with relief.

"Alright, all of you get to class." Dumbledore said loudly.

The Malfoy Who Lived (A Harry Potter Fan-Fiction) *COMPLETED* (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now