| Her Green Eyed Boy |

Start from the beginning

His arms wrapped around my waist, and he buried his face in my hairs, sighing deeply. I felt him relax under my touch. I kept my hold on him, not wanting to let him go. My heart broke some more when I felt his wet tears on my neck.

I ran my fingers through his hairs softly and whispered into his ears, "I don't know what happened with you, but I promise whatever it is; it is going to be okay."

His arms tightened around my waist, hearing upon my words. Our bodies wrapped around each other, ignited the deepest corners of my heart. His touch felt like breathing of fresh air on a spring morning to me.
He was like a drug, and I was getting addicted to him.

He whimpered some more in my arms. My heart clenched at his state.

"I am so sorry..." I said in an attempt to make him feel better.

He slowly pulled away from me, but his arms were holding me still. He looked in my eyes deeply. It was not his normal warm stare that I started to love, it was as if he was trying to solve a puzzle in the depths of my eyes.

"Why you said sorry?" He asked me quietly. He sounded like a small child who asks his mother the reason for disappearing of stars in morning. The confusion in his eyes was adorable and cute.

I smiled lightly and held his face between my palms.

"Because I was not there to save you from this damage." I whispered tracing my finger underneath his eyes. His eyes closed on instinct, as if savoring my touch to his memory.

Maybe I should not have came this far. I shouldn't have crossed my lines. I stopped my tracing and started to pull my hands away from his face, but his hands stopped me catching my wrists.

He opened his eyes. I was scared to look at their coldness again. Because that was breaking my heart. But his eyes were no longer cold. They were taking a warm shade slowly.

I could not help myself from smiling after seeing that. To complete his look, I tugged his lips upwards using my free hand. Seeing my gestures, a boyish smile took over his features. The smile that sends my heart on overdrive.

I tried again to withdraw myself from his touch. I had no problem with our closeness. It gave me warmth of assurance, care and everything I knew I never felt before. But I was afraid that maybe he would not like it.

He sighed intertwining my fingers with his. He shifted himself and bent down, placing his head on my lap. My breath hitched at our proximity. But he continued playing with my fingers. My other hand involuntarily caressed his hairs lightly.

"You are wrong." He said after sometime.

"Huh?" I asked in a daze, still in euphoria of his touch.

"You were always there to save me from damage. Not by my side, but always with me."

I frowned in confusion but refrained myself from asking any further questions to him, as he seemed to be very content in playing with the little dangling hearts of my bracelet. He looked really cute doing that. His eyes were concentrated on the task of my hand too, giving him a really innocent look.

I wondered where we were. The entire place was covered in a white thick sheet of fog. Only the lush green grass on which we were lying on was visible. But this place gave a familiar feeling to me. I could not pin point exactly what it was.

"My sister died three years ago." He said, pulling me out of my thoughts.

"Oh!" I whispered. I didn't know what to say. Apologizing for that makes everything more worse. People usually don't need your pity. Neither I asked him how or why. Because people at their worst try to seek comfort in those one who don't take pity on you or ask you questions, they find the comfort in those who are always there for you without even telling you.

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