Part 4 Bellamys POV

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I rushed to the camp as fast as I could, my feet stumbled over roots of trees every once in a while. My heart was in a continuous loop of beats and I felt numb. I stopped at the gate and took a breath. My eyes were already swelling with cold tears as I tried to shout for help, but the sobs choked out all words.

"Bellamy what happened?" Abigail rushed over and asked

"Clarke" I could barely make out "She's g-gone"

At that moment I could see her expression fade into a grim look, but she somehow kept herself together unlike me.

"We will send people to look for her and we will find her okay?" She said is a soothed and relaxed voice.

"We have to d-do this n-now before it's t-too l-l-late" I stuttered between cries.

She nodded "They will be sent out as soon as possible okay?"

I nodded and went to gather a group to search with me. I wasn't going to sit back and wait for her to be found, I was going to be the one that found her. This was exactly what I was telling Clarke would happen and it did. I can't go another few months without her again and this time I don't know what happened. Before I knew she was away voluntarily and now she could be dead for all I know! I took a deep breath as I took a weapon and headed out with the rest of the group.

My heart was racing faster then ever before as the stress of finding Clarke ran through my head over and over like ticking on a clock.

"Where was she with you last?" Someone asked and I led the way to the mountain I took her to. They seemed to be as clueless as to where Clarke could be.

"I think we should just wait it out and see if she returns because we have no lead" Kane told me

I shook my head "We have to find Clarke!"

"We will, but we can't right now so let's get some rest" he explained.

"No! We can't let her go!" I sobbed.

He sighed while gathering the group and walking back to camp. I had no choice but to go with them. I met up with Jasper and Monty to discuss a plan to find Clarke. They were the only people who would be willing to help. Well I know for a fact Monty would, but I'm not so sure about Jasper anymore. He's lost his adventurous spirit after Maya.

"Maybe she was taken by Lexa's people" Monty suggested "I mean didn't she want to talk to Clarke"

"That's actually a really good idea Monty" I smiled while walking out of the tent.

"Lexa" is all I said when I stormed up to Abby and Kane

They looked at me with a complex look. I sighed while taking a deep breath "I think Lexa has her because she wanted to talk to Clarke, but then she shut her out"

"That is a sensible answer to this, but we can't stress with getting too many people involved, so you will have to find people in this camp that are willing", Kane said. I nodded while running Monty and Jasper. Explaining our plan, I gathered materials that we were going to need.

As we viciously marched into the grounders camp we say Lexa and three men walk towarda us. She scanned the crowd with her eyes.

"What do you need?" She asked in a snobby tone

I scoffed "We know you have Clarke"

"I have nothing of the sort and is Clarke missing?"

"Don't play dumb! We know she's here!" I yelled

She sighed "Search our camp if you need, but please don't make a mess of it"

I signaled for people to start looking around and returned to my conversation with Lexa. I leaned in closer to her and whispered something so no one could hear.

"If you didn't take her then who did"

She shrugged "I don't know, but I want to help"

"Sorry, but I think we can handle this on our own"

She laughed "Do you know this area like the back of your hand? You need my help, but you're too stubborn to admit it"

I sighed "What do you know"

A smile spread across her face "Where did she go missing?"

I explained when and where it happened and Lexa gathered her weapons.

"Where are we going?"

"Get your people and follow me"

I hated it, but I hesitantly did as she requested. I hoped she knew what she was doing.

Hello! I'm so sorry for the lack of updates, but I will try to do better about updating!

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