Part 1 Clarkes pov

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I stumbled on the hard ground. I had been walking for days and I finally made it back home. I was ready. I knew I had to face them eventually. My curiosity lingered on how they were doing constantly so I tried in my best effort to make it there.

I was bleeding all over, my hair was stained red from the blood and I had major wounds on my legs. I honestly have not showered in months and knew that was one of the first things I would do when I got there.

Finally I was close enough to shout for help. I could barely move so I was going to need assistance getting back to health. After a minute a guard rushed over to see who I was. When he saw my face he looked shocked, but was not loath to get me up and moving.

"Clarke is back!" The guard shouted as we took our first step in. I saw several people look up. Some with looks of relief and some with daggers in their eyes.

My eyes started to blur from standing too long as a figure headed closer to me. I collapsed to the ground no longer caring if I passed out or not.

I woke up to a wet cloth brushing against my face. I was too tired to open my eyes to see who it was, but too curious to not. Sitting before me was the one and only Bellamy Blake.

He noticed that I was awake and immediately smiled while pulling me into a hug "Where have you been Clarke?! I've been worried sick!"

I sighed "I told you. I left until I felt like I should come back"

"Well don't ever do that again" he demanded in a serious tone that almost made me flinch

I nodded into his shoulder before releasing from the hug. I look at his expression. It was serious and concerned, but also happy at the same time.

"I'm going to find my mom" I said while trying to stand up.

"Clarke you should rest before you start to go up and running again" he suggested

I shook my head "I need to a lot of things"

I stood up before having my legs give out leaving me to fall into the arms of Bellamy.

"I told you" he laughed

"Shut up Bellamy"

He kept laughing as he sat me down back on the bed "I'll go call your mom"

A few minutes later my mom slowly walked in the room with Jasper and Bellamy with her.

"Jasper what happened to your hair?!" I shouted

Bellamy shot me this look of 'don't even go there' so I stopped right where I started. "Sorry"

He shook his head "It's fine I'm just glad your back"

My mom walked over to me and embraced me in a warm hug "I missed you so much!"

"I missed you too mom" I replied

It's nice to be back with everyone, but I also enjoyed not having to worry about a large amount of people. I hate the feeling of people relying on me. If I don't succeed then I let them down. I have done too much letting down in life that I don't think any one ever really forgave me for it... Well except Bellamy.

"We're going to let you get some rest so by tomorrow you can start back up again ok?" My mother asked and I nodded

Her and Jasper left the room leaving Bellamy and I alone once again. "You really don't need to stay I'll be fine on my own"

"I'm fine with being here with you and besides it gets me out of doing work" he smiled before looking down at me. I probably looked like utter crap, but I had to deal with it till I had the strength to get up. Bellamy took a deep sigh "Clarke you didn't have to leave"

"I did Bellamy and I don't care if you saw eye to eye with me or not. I get it you're mad I left, but honestly there is nothing you can do at this point anyway so save your breath!" I yelled

He stood up from the wooden chair he was sitting in. "I'm not mad at you Clarke! I never was!" he shouted before walking out the door.

I sighed. I was all alone now sitting on a bed that was as comfortable as a rock. People training is the only thing I could view through the miniature window to my left. I looked right and saw grey wall and medical kits. Life could not be better could it?

I tried to stand once more and this time to my surprise did not fall. So I stumbled out into the empty hallway where I attempted to make it outside.

My mom walked in and rushed over to me as soon as she saw my struggling "Woah Clarke don't push it"

"Mom I'm fine! I can't just sit around all day" I shouted

"Well you can't walk without looking drunk!" She stammered

I sighed "I'm fine mom!"

People started to come in to see what all the commotion was about. After about a minute of arguing with my mom Bellamy pushed his way through the crowd and picked my up bridal style. I looked into his eyes with a confused look. He smiled and started to walk outside "Come on Princess"

I rolled my eyes "I told you not to call me that"

He gave out a slight snort "You think I actually listen to directions?!"

I laughed "true"

Once we got outside he put my down and let me walk on my own. It seemed to get less painful as I tried, but occasionally I still had to rely on the help of Bellamy. I'm surprised he's still here after I lashed out on him earlier.

"Why are you helping me so much?"

"Because the sooner you get better the sooner I don't have to take charge"

"Sounds like a crappy lie to me" Jasper said

I turned to my left to see Jasper standing next to me "How long have you been there?"

He laughed "Pretty much this whole time"

"You're ninja skills are improving my friend" Bellamy joked

Jasper have a look of confidence which always seemed to make me laugh. We stood there for a few peaceful seconds before I was bombarded with people asking me questions.

All I picked up through the yelling were people asking "Where did you go?!" Or "Why did you leave us?!" Which honestly I didn't know the answer to either question really.

I just lost myself and it couldn't be found.


Hey guys!!!! Ok so new year new book! (Lol no) but I have been wanting to write a 100 fanfic for a while and now I have finally gotten it. Ik it's pretty sucky but I'm trying my best.

Thanks for reading guys!!!!

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