Part 2 Clarkes POV

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"Clarke your needed" a guard came up and told me. I nodded knowing that this was coming. My time in solitude was ancient history now. My people now relied on me once more. Well not all of them. Many hate me because of the things I have done, but they need to forget that and go forth with their lives.

I said bye to Bellamy and Jasper and was escorted into the ark. Thronged at a large table with me was my mother, Kane, and a few other guards that I never accumulated names for.

"Mom why am I here?" I catechized

"Before you came back we got a message from Lexa" she elucidated

That captured my attention. I thought I was done with Lexa and her backstabbing army, but apparently not. I observed at her with an uneasy look "What does she want?"

"She wants to talk to you Clarke"

My mind was swarmed with an exorbitant amount of questions. Why does she want to talk to me? What could she want from me? Why me? Why now?

"When do I go?" I instantaneously questioned

"As soon as possible" Kane cut in

I nodded as I was handed a bag and sent on my way. As I was leaving Bellamy caught up to me.

"Hey what was that about?" He inquired

"It's Lexa... She wants to talk" I explained

"Let me go with you" He dictated

I shook my head "I have to approach this on my own". I started walking out of the gates when a hand incarcerated my arm. I turned around and saw Bellamy looking at me with an anxious expression.

"I'm not letting you leave alone" he sighed while looking down "Not again"

"I'll be fine Bellamy"

He shook his head "That's what you said last time, but you left for months and I didn't know when you would come back or if you ever would! I was terrified that you were possibly dead! I'm not letting you go again!"

I exhaled deeply "Fine, but I deal with Lexa on my own. You can catch up with Octavia in the time I'm in there"

He smiled "Thanks princess"

"Shut up" I muttered indignantly

He chuckled as we departed from camp. It was a little nice that he was so concerned about me, but honesty I can handle myself and I don't need him to always be around me like some vexatious babysitter. I don't think he apprehends how competent I am at staying alive and well.

When we arrived at the grounders camp I found Indra and requested to see Lexa. I haven't seen her since she completely betrayed me and I was completely bewildered at what she wanted to speak with me about.

"Clarke" A way too familiar voice spoke

I turned around to be face to face with the commander of the grounders "You wanted to speak with me Lexa?"

She nodded and took a deep breath "I just wanted to say sorry for what happened at mount weather. I had to do what was best for my people"

"I understand that was the decision that was best for your people, but we had an alliance and we trusted you guys!"

"Clarke there's no reason to get mad"

"There's no reason not to be mad Lexa! You completely left me and my people to die just so your people would be saved!" I vociferated

"You would have done the same thing Clarke!" She shouted

"That is a ton of crap! I make a deal and actually go through with it!"

"I just wanted to apologise and you automatically shut me down!"

I looked at her with daggers in my eyes "What you did can't be forgiven Lexa!"

With that said I walked over to Bellamy and took his arm as I started to drag him out of the camp.

"What's going on?" He questioned

I shook my head in disappointment "We're going back. This was a waste of our time"

Bellamy was silent the rest of the way back. He probably could tell I was not in the best mood and it would be in his best interest to stay off.

"Welcome back Clarke. What happened over there?" my mother greeted as soon as we stepped into camp.

"Nothing! She just wanted to apologise for something that I could never forgive" I exclaimed

"That's it?" Kane questioned

I nodded as I angrily stormed inside the ark. I severely needed to take a bath so that's the first thing I did. I probably washed my hair about five times before it was somewhere near clean, but eventually I was successfully washed after an hour or two of hard scrubbing.

I couldn't ever get out of the camp without Bellamy catching me and keeping me back so I found a time when he wasn't around which unfortunately was only at night. I went out to a nice field that was close by and just laid there in peace. I haven't felt this free in about a year. With all of the stress and commotion that went on I didn't have time to just lay and look at the stars. I just want to stay here forever and never leave. Of course I can't do that because living on Earth is different than space. There's always big difficulties that I have to deal with.

I decided that I would just stay here for the night. Nothing bad was going to happen to me anyway. Those were the last thoughts I had before dozing off into a slumber.

Hey guys!!!! New chapter! I hope you guys are enjoying this book as much as I enjoy writing it!
Thanks so much for reading and tell me what you think of it! <3

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