Dear Readers,

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Hello! This is Elizabeth and Isabella (AKA @dancemomsfanfics2170 and @fanficsdancemoms) this is our joint account we created so we could write "The Official Dance Moms Complaint Book" together since we both have similar ideas. 


Dear Readers,

This book "The Official Dance Moms Complain Book" is based off of our opinions. Opinions. I might have a different opinion from you but that doesn't make us wrong, it just means we see things in a different way. Please, please, please try to understand that! 

We have been noticing that a lot of you ( you know who you are XD ) are complaining about the show on other peoples message boards. We are too! So we created "The Official Dance Moms Complaint Book" :) This entire book will be filled with our complaints ranging from Abby's unfair treatment, to the moms bull-sh*t. You can add your opinions too, put it in the comment section under each topic. 

*Remember: OPINION

XOX Elizabeth and Isabella

*All right reserved*

The Official Dance Moms Complaint BookWhere stories live. Discover now