Letter from Martin (2)

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Dear Leia,

I got your reply. I'm feeling happy you replied as I was thinking you could have thought I was some creepy guy sending you letters. I am thankful that I received it before the day ended, so it ends the suspense I felt if you didn't reply. I didn't want to think what if you didn't reply.

I was stunned to think you could be two signs. There's a chance with that, you could get 2 personalities or parts of personalities which are different to what you are. Apparently you have a rising sign as well, which can be different to your normal sign. I've wondered what mine is. I'm a Virgo by star sign.

For my interests, I love gaming with my friends. I do troll them a lot as they say. Maybe we could game together, if you play games yourself?

I have some questions for you. How's your family like? This includes smelly siblings if you have any.

Also, what's your music taste? I wonder if you like the same music as me. There's a chance we both do like the same music.

Also, do you read books? I do see you in the library reading. Just a weird question, do you wear glasses for reading? I do see you wear glasses and it makes you look cute.

Yours sincerely
~ Your secret admirer

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