Chapter 1: Thanks for watching

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(VIEW gohaangten12 FOR CIEL'S POV**)
Sebastian's POV

"What a boring day."
I said looking at the ceiling as I moved my wheeled chair back and forth. I had already uploaded a new video and didn't have any appointments to attend to. Normally I would begin to plan things ahead whether they were YouTube related or law, but today I didn't even want to get out of bed.
Tracing my middle finger on my lower lip as I held my phone, I tried to think of something to do, but again I wasn't motivated to even think. In the end though I decided to turn on my laptop and check my dashboard. Nothing very interesting. As I looked through the posts from the people I followed I noticed a constant recommendation from a blog. Having nothing else to do, I clicked on it to see what it was all about. It was an an account dedicated to my channel. It had fanart, fanfiction and various comments.
I soon found out that the one who was running this blog was that boy who had spammed me about a year ago. He was a big fan of mine and, even if I hadn't checked his blog until now, I already knew he was from all the positive comments he sent me almost on a daily. l don't know why but I decided to follow him back and DM him thanking him for the support he had given me through these last months.
It didn't take him long to answer. He was incredibly polite and composed. He talked about how he loved my videos and how they always made him laugh, which was something really completing for me. Out from habit, I asked how his day was going. He answered it was better now that I had messaged him, which made me ask if his day hadn't been good before. He responded with a simple 'yeah...' I was going to do something but first I asked for his age. Once I knew, there was a small sense of relief. I told him that if he ever needed someone to talk to that he could message me any time, which made him thank me multiple times about it. I soon found out that his name was Ciel.

After that small conversation we continued talking from time to time. He always had kind things to say to me, even when I didn't answer him for an entire day - which meant most of the times-. After a month or so I gave him my Skype, finding Tumblr to be a very inconvenient messaging platform with the number of various glitches that there were but that I will not bore you with. That's when we began to get much closer. We shared interests which we both agreed many people would never understand. We talked about our day and usual stuff as well. We began video calling each other soon enough and, I'll be as sincere as I can be: he was beautiful. He had grayish blue hair and two bright, sapphire blue colored eyes. The first time I saw him face to face he was wearing an oversized dark, navy blue sweater over his white t-shirt. I noticed how while we chatted he would constantly move around and try to hide his face with the jumper's neck when he wanted to laugh or when he asked me something embarrassing or personal. I never really got to see his face neatly because of that. As I carried on talking to him, I didn't notice I was making our conversations a daily activity. He got out from school at three in the afternoon and by the time he came back to his house, I would have already sent him a message if I didn't have any work to attend to.
He soon became one of my closest friends even with him being a lot younger. He was mature and kept out of trouble - though he did confess his "murderous" like thoughts towards some of his classmates to me after having a bad day.-

It was another grayish day. I came back home incredibly late because I had to attend to a client's case and traffic hadn't made me any justice. I took off my clothes and got into the shower, letting the cold water on. I got out after a few minutes and was decided to go to bed. However, I felt a sense of guilt running through my head. I was tired, but I knew I would regret leaving Ciel without even telling him why I wasn't able to log on today. Picking up my phone from the small table I had left it charging on I was about to message him when I saw a notification.
"Speak of the devil..."
I said softly as I pressed on Ciel's message. I was surprised when I read the text. He basically had asked if we could meet face to face. It was strange that he was so direct about it. I thought about it for a moment though. In the end I accepted and after a small chat we decided the date. Once it was done, Ciel left the conversation, leaving me alone with my own thoughts once again.

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