A Light in the Dark: Book 2 of The Fallout Series - Chapter 1

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I hated Sebastian almost the first moment I saw him.

But then I started to love him while I still hated him, which made things a little complicated.

Him and that guitar.

When he played, I think I could actually feel his fingers caressing the strings, almost as though those strings were attached directly to my heart. He didn't play gently, but I wasn't looking for gentle. He didn't have the finest setup, either; just a doctored-up Fender Mexican Strat in an old-school maple sunburst. But oh, how he made that baby sing under his touch.

And my heart thrummed with a jealousy so intense I thought my head might explode. I was looking for a rhythm guitarist, someone to back me up, not someone who owned the instrument like it was an extension of his body, his soul.

I was front man. Woman. My band. My songs. My way.

But when he let the last chord linger in the air between us, all I could hear were my songs... his way.

It didn't help that he had those tortured artist eyes. Brendan Urie meets Kellin Quinn kind of tortured. Robert Pattinson in all his glittery-skinned, golden-eyed, smoldering glory days. Like the music coming out of him was a sacrificial offering of severed nerve endings, and he was feeling every single one of them. Desperate for me to feel them, too, and quietly raging at me for making him care what I thought.

My band. My songs. My way.

But as much as I hated him, I knew that I needed him. And that guitar. And I also knew if I was going to have him, it would be our band, our songs, our way. Maybe not at first. Deep in my heart, though, I knew it was inevitable. Bring him on and my world would change.

Our worlds would change.

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