Chapter 20

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I had just finished explaining my boring degree to Cosimo who was doggedly trying to learn why I would pursue an education in business. I had no desire to start a business or own one or even run one, but I knew every business was glued together by the skills of the administrative staff. "I'm a git-er-done kind of girl. I love to get in and get things organized and running like a well-oiled machine. I'm always looking for a better way to do things. I hate the saying, 'If it's not broken, don't fix it.' There is almost always a better way." I leaned forward in my chair, and lowered my broken foot to the stones beneath me, relieving the strain on the back of my thigh and knee. "I'm the girl who finds that better way. I'm like a wannabe detective, but without any danger involved."

Cosimo chuckled. "You do not like danger?"

Well, I was beginning to like him, and he felt pretty dangerous to me. But I didn't tell him that. I just shrugged instead.

He didn't push me for an explanation, but laced his fingers together around his empty coffee cup. "And when you are finished with your education, what then? Do you have a job waiting for you?"

Either he was hoping for a yes from me so he could back out of our lifetime of happiness together he'd just toasted, or he was hoping for a no from me so he could convince me to stay in Tuscany forever and be his princess bride. "I do, in fact. Actually, I have two job offers waiting for me. But I'm planning to go to work for a local architecture firm in my hometown. They're one of the more prominent contributors to the city planning committees and have buildings and other structures all over Southern California. I'm not very knowledgeable about architecture in and of itself, but I am very comfortable with the office programs they use. During my internship last summer, I revamped their filing system and scored some major points with the big boys. They've made me an offer I would be a fool to refuse."

"That is wonderful. And it is a job that makes you happy?"

I wasn't quite sure how to answer that. It felt like another leading question to me. "I'm happy to have a job offer already," I stated noncommittally. "It means I'm already a valued commodity even before I have my degree in hand."

"Ah, but I, too, value every one of your commodities." He wiggled his eyebrows suggestively at me and I giggled like a silly schoolgirl.

"Ciao!" A female voice called out from around the side of the house. "Hallooo!"

I glanced at Cosimo, but by his frown, it was clear he wasn't expecting company. He stood slowly, just as Madalina bustled around the corner carrying a large pastry box tied like a Christmas gift with a big red ribbon. Ambling along behind her, eyes glued to the view spread out before him, was Paulo Durante.

"Madalina!" I waved happily. I was thrilled to see her, and Paulo, too, even though they had interrupted a rather cozy morning with my doctor. "My goodness, Madalina, you look so glamorous today!" And she did. She was wearing a deep burgundy dress with tiny black roses all over it, black piping around the collar and sleeves, and a row of the same piping circling the hem of the flared skirt. On her feet were lace-up Victorian style boots over fishnet stockings. She wore her hair down around her face in fat, pin-up girl curls, and her lips were a cherry red that would have clashed with her dress if she'd been anyone but Madalina the Magnificent.

I rose slowly, keeping my weight all on my right leg, and Cosimo circled the table to put an arm around my waist. I couldn't tell if he was holding me upright or just holding me. I saw the same question in Madalina's eyes as they approached. I didn't look at Paulo.

Setting the box down on the chair my left foot had vacated, she reached for my face and kissed each cheek in greeting. "Look at you, Princess Grace! Your face is pink with the sunshine! And Isa tells us you are sick? Wheesht!" She chucked me under the chin. "I want to catch your illness."

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