Chapter 6: Good Morning Kiss

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Cas' helping hand put me into a sleep like death. I didn't dream, I don't even think I tossed or turned one bit. There was no telling how long I'd sleep like this. Our room had no windows, so natural light as an alarm wasn't an option.

My senses were tripped by a softness grazing up my neck, stopping at my lips. A gentle pressure fell over my mouth, the taste of Dean's lips followed. A good morning kiss.

I opened my eyes, a tiny desk lamp causing a warm glow to coat the room in a dim light. I stretched, letting out a groan and closing my eyes again, "what time is it, bug?" I yawned out.

"A little past two." He brushed his lips across my neck, leaving tiny pecks on my skin.

"Do I have to get up?" I sighed out, still tired. I was definitely not ready to awaken, Dean could tell.

His fingers tucked my hair back behind my ear, out of my face. He traced his thumb under my eye, cupping my cheek. "You didnt sleep did you, baby girl?"

"Not enough apparently. I'm still feeling exhausted." I tucked my body closer to his in attempts to go back to sleep.

"Was it the nightmare?" He made me look him in the eyes.


"I told you I'd stay up with you until you went back to sleep. That's my job, thats one of the reasons I'm here." Dean's voice grew serious, "when did you go to sleep?"

"I don't know. I had to call Cas. He had to do the angel voodoo sleep thing to get me back to sleep." I shrugged my shoulders, still tiredly yawning.

"Go back to sleep." He kissed my forehead and pulled me closer. I faded back to sleep happier than ever. I know my sleep is gunna get messed up but I couldn't really care.

I fell back into a deep sleep, one deeper than before. Dean knew that making me gwr up would be worthless. He knew he'd just find me stowed away somewhere out of sight sleeping.

After all supposed to be an adult. I'm supposed to be able to handle my own nightmares. I shouldn't require somebody to baby me back to sleep. I grew up tough and by myself. Dean was something new to me, in a way he was a rarity.

In the hunting business, people die. You lose the things you love, and risk losing yourself along the way. Dean was what I called an equal apponent. He was wise like me, we could never lose each other, not in a million years.

We'd fight until the end of our lives for eachother. Sam was just as protecting of the two of us. We all take care of the other, assuring that we all survive.

I'd started to toss and turn, waking up off and on. By the time I checked the clock willingly, it was nearing 6 p.m. I guess I'd been swallowed into a small coma.

I pushed myself to get up, tossing back the covers. I blindly headed to the bathroom, searching for the lightswitch in the darkness. My eyes wear forced closed by instinct when light filled the room.

I brushed out my hair and washed my face, brushing my teeth after. All the clean clothes in my closet looked uncomfortable. I wanted to feel like I was naked, no tight shirts or skinny jeans that I have to squeeze into.

I hopped over to Dean's side of the closet grabbing the light red and pinkish flannel from its hangers. Dean was bigger than me, so his shirts hung a little low. I chose leggings for pants and just slipped on some socks.

I rubbed my eyes. It must be impossible for me to still be tired. I left our room in search of the boys, who were most likely in either the kitchen or the library.

I found them in neither. Where the hell are you guys? The building felt empty and it was horribly quiet. They must've went to go get dinner or something. Lame.

Being by yourself in the bunker was a tragic feeling, you were either filled with paranoia or boredom. You just had to make do with what you had, and basically what we have is every season of Game of Thrones and thousands of books.

Food was becoming a priority as a roamed aimlessly around the empty establishment. In our fridge I found some leftovers from a Chinese restaurant, grabbing a fork on the way back to the library tables.

I sent Dean a text, "where you be? I'm all bored and lonely! Well, text me and lemme know you're not dead. Lava you"

After no response, I started to get a a little worried. There's not really anything out there to kill him at the moment. Unless Amara kidnapped him and is trying to get him to give in to his "lustful urges" again, he should be fine.
I hope he's fine...

Interestingly enough I actually had to reassure myself that he was most likely buried in a pie at a local diner and not making out with that bitch of darkness, Amara.

Boy, oh boy she hated me. It's a mutual feeling. She's like to kill me, that much I do know but she can't. If she killed me, Dean would never give in, his hatred for her would grow larger than life. But leaving me alive meant he came home to me, loved me, instead of her and that pisses her off.

The food filled me up, despite the fact that it tasted kind of crappy. I checked my phone again and still no answer, sending Dean another message. "Deeeeannnn are you dead?"

Then another, "answer meh"

Then one more, "I swear if you don't answer me right now, I'll kick your ass."


Still no damn answer. When own doubt call Sam... maybe? I dialed Sam's number. After a few rings, sure enough he answered.

"Hello", Sam's voice was relaxed, definitely more relaxed than mine.

"Where the hell are you two?", I was obviously frustrated with them both at this point.

"A couple towns over checking out a small case why?"

"Hand the phone to Dean right now."

"W- Okay then", I could hear the phone swap from hand to hand.

"Hey baby what's up?" Dean asked me like he would any other day.

"What the hell do you think is up" I growled.

"You sound mad, what's wrong?"


"Okay with easy now! I'm sorry! I didn't think about it I'm sorry. I thought we'd be home before you woke up.", sincerity filled his deep voice making me feel bad for yelling.

"Come home please." I took a deep breath, "we just got home from a week on the road, no more cases. Just come home."

"Alright. Alright, (y/n). We're on our way, I promise. We'll be home in about an hour."

"Thank you", I sighed heavily, "you're still in trouble."

"Oh are you gonna punish me when I get home?" His voice got deeper, and sexier.

"As much as I'd love to do that Dean, I have work to tend to. Get your asses home. Lava you." I hung up, still slightly pissed.

Can't wait until he gets home.

(A/n): SO SORRY about how late this update was. I just got my phone fixed so I should be able to update more regularly. Hope you enjoyed.

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