Chapter 4: Home at Last

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A jolt woke me up by slinging my tired body halfway into the floorboard. Thanks to Dean's reflexes, he caught me before I fell. Upon looking around I realized we were finally home. Sam had made a sudden stop, parking us just outside the front door.

I stretched before opening the door closest to me. I stepped out into mud that coated my boot. There must've been a torrential downpour here too.

I was first through the bunker door, leaving it open for Sam who was carrying the bags containing our clothes. Dean locked the car behind him, locking the bunker door as well after we were all inside.

I kicked off my dirty shoes and left them in the floor. I wasn't going to drag mud all throughout the bunker, even though this place has seen far worse substances.

The lights were dim, which is how we usual leave them when we're gone on a hunt. It made the place look a little dreary, yet at the same time peaceful in an empty way.

Sam left everything in the floor by the front door, and disappeared down the hallway with nothing but a yawn. "Come on (y/n)", Dean extended his hand to me. I willingly followed him down the hallway to our shared room.

Dean held the door like a gentlemen even though he didn't have to. I stumbled around like an idiot looking for the lamp on the dresser, it took a while but I eventually found it.

"I'm gunna take a shower, okay?" I kissed his forehead, he nodded. He was still so tired, you could tell it by how slow he was. It was almost as if he was lagging.

I went to the bathroom and closed the door behind me. To say the least the bathroom was freezing, the chilled tile floor eminating through my socks and into my feet.

I let the water run while I undressed, making sure it had time to warm up. Stepping under a frozen stream of water was the absolute last thing I wanted at the moment.

The bits of dried blood and sweat on my jeans from the past few days events caused the fabric to stick to me. I didn't know whether to throw them away or attempt to wash them. I slung them aside.

My shirt had new holes along the hem. It wasn't really a big deal, worse things have happened to me in previous hunts. My bra was completely clean, which is yet a surprise to me.

After stripping down to nothing, I stepped under a warm stream of cascading water. The bottom of the shower collected a red tint as the blood rinsed down the drain. You'd think people would notice a suspicious clumpy red substance stuck in somebody's hair and also splattered around on there clothing but nobody ever seems to catch on.

That's all over now though and I can finally linger under the waterfall of happiness I called a shower. Washing my hair and body felt better than imagined. The motel shower from the other day lacked water pressure and was hardly luke warm.

Time seemed to fade away now that we were home. I don't remember hunting being this much of a drag. It used to be fun, especially as a 19 year old kid. I remember staying in cheap motels that I paid for with my fake credit card and driving around in my piece of shit car thinking it was the life, killing sons of bitches when the opportunity arose.

Now it's exhausting, what I wouldn't give for a normal life. Then again, a normal life is just as difficult. I wish we could take a break, which won't happen. The boys couldn't take a break to save their lives. They work nonstop and they're always exhausted.

I managed to run the water cold, forcing myself to get out. I wrapped my now clean body in a soft towel and proceeded to slip on the clean undergarments that sat on a shelf. I towel dried my hair.

Looking at my reflection in the mirror I noticed some slight bruising around my eye socket. Great. I guess that son of a bitch did get a good swing in, werewolf bastard. We hardly take werewolf cases anymore, they're too simple. Yet every single time we do, I usually get decked in the face in the process.

I flipped off the light and headed out into the bedroom seeing an all too familiar sight. Dean hadn't really moved since the last time I saw him. He'd managed to scoot himself a little higher up on the bed and roll over onto his stomach. He was still fully dressed from his leather jacket to his boots.

I unlaced his work boots, having issues with the frayed strings. I set them under the edge of the bed, watching him situate himself again.

I smacked his leg, waking him for just long enough to get my point across, "get up, strip, and then get under the covers sleepy baby."
Once again he only knodded, I suppose he's too tired for words.

He did as I said, stripping down to his briefs and crawling under the covers. I joined him there. His body was warm, it warded away the chilled air that lingered in the room. He'd passed back out within a matter of minutes.

I shuffled around getting comfortable. Finally laying with my back toward him, pressed up against his torso. I glanced around the room a bit before I found myself nodding off.

The clock to my left said 2:41, we'd gotten home way later than expected. There's no doubt we'll be sleeping in tomorrow. I left one last kiss on the tip of his nose before nodding off into my own treasured sleep.

Finally home at last.

A/n: Sorry the update came a bit late. My cell service is horrible and everything works so slow. US cellular sucks here.

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