Chapter 9

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"So where we goin'," asked Ashlyn driving Tobin's car. "I dunno but it's crowded in here," said Hope moving around in discomfort. "Drive to my garage we'll go in my other car." requested Tobin. "You got another car," questioned both girls in unison. "Yeah," shrugged Tobin. "What kind?"

"You'll see," winked Tobin.

The garage door rumbled as it opened. "Check it out," said Tobin with one arm outstretched showing them all the cars. "What the-" "I'm in heaven," whispered the girls in amusement.

Tobin's garage was filled with: a red Ashton Martin Rapide S, a black 96 Corvette, a blue Ferrari California, and a white/gold Rolls Royce. "They're so beautiful," sighed Ashlyndreamily while running towards the Corvette. "Wait, hold up hold up" interrupted Hope "How the fuck did you get these?"

"My dad's friend is some car dealer. He gave me two for my birthday and the other two for Christmas," explained Tobin. "That's so sick, bro," said Ash walking around and studying the Rolls Royce's interior. "Rapide or Rolls Royce? They're the only four-door cars."

"The Royce!"

"Cool, who's driving" asked Tobin shaking the keys in her hand. It took the girls a while to finally decide who was driving. It ended up with Ashlyn driving again.

Alex was in 5th period and that class was quiet. It usually isn't because Hope, Ash, and Tobin are always the only ones making noise in that class but they weren't there today. "What did I do? 

"Did I say something?" asked Alex. "Look you're gonna have to talk to her about it," said Sydney frowning at Alex.

Hope shouted while sticking half of her body through the sunroof. "Hope, get down or we'll get caught," chuckled Tobin. "Turn the fuck up," shouted Ash. "Damn it, Ash," mumbled Tobin after facepalming. "Ash, take a sharp left." The blonde did as commanded and took a sharp left. "Oh my hip," shouted Hope.

Tobin broke down laughing. "Not cool guys," she winced while holding her bruised hip while sitting back down. "Good one Tob," laughed Ashlyn high fiving Tobin. "Haha very funny," added the taller brunette with a sarcastic tone.

The bell finally rang and Alex was on her free period so was Ali and Kelley. "Let's go to the courtyard," said Kelley. The three girls all walked to the courtyard talking about their plans the coming weekend.

"So guys have you heard from Tobin," asked Alex worried. "No, have you heard from Ash," asked Ali concerned. "She Tobin and Hope left school," said Kelley kicking a rock that was lying on the floor.

"Tobin worries me so much, ever since her mom passed she hasn't been able to control herself," mentioned Alex feeling guilty. "It's ok Baby Horse," said Kelley rubbing Alex's back. "No, Kelley, it's not."

Alex suddenly broke down in tears "because I like her," she said in between sniffles. Alex's face was in her hands while tears ran down her cheeks. "Before she went to New York I told her I might've liked her but I lied. I just didn't want to be alone, I was afraid Servando would do something. I just couldn't deal with him anymore. I feel so guilty," sobbed Alex. 

"That girl is hot," said Ash holding her bag that read Abercrombie Men on it. "Eh," replied Tobin. "Wheres Hope?"

"She went to the jewelers to look for a necklace for Kelley."

"I thought they were done, though?" asked Ash confused. "Yeah but Hope likes her ya know," responded Tobin before taking a sip from her Wendy's drink. "Yeah yeah," admitted Ash while winking at a girl.

"We should find out who messed up their relationship. That kid finna get whacked," said Tobin slamming her fist into her other hand. "Whoa bad kid Tobin is showing," chuckled Ash before getting a playful punch from her friend.

"Let's go right now." Hope was walking back to the two girls "Hey Hope, we're going back to school. Go ahead and drive my car if you'd like but take us to the garage first I need a car," suggested Tobin as the two other girls were on her sides walking with her. "Sounds cool man."

Alex wiped her tears away while the two other girls were still comforting her. Vincent walked up to Alex and got on one knee so he could be on the same level as her. "Hey, what's wrong," he asked looking worried.

"Nothing I'm fine I just have a headache," replied Alex putting her hands down to her knees. Vincent then held onto them. "Do you need a ride home?" His beautiful eyes looked deeply into Alex's.

"No, it's okay. I have a test next period and I wanna get it over with now." Vincent nodded his head and went back to his group of friends. "Is that the Vincent from the party," asked Kelley smiling. "Yeah, he's a nice guy."

Hope took off in the Royce after dropping Tobin and Ash off. "Let's go in the Corvette" suggested Ash. Both girls jumped in the car. Tobin was driving and Ash was on her phone trying to find out who told Kelley the lie.

"Aha I found it," said Ash. "Who was it," asked Tobin keeping her brown eyes glued to the road. "You're not gonna like this Tobin," warned Ash. "Damn it Ash just spill the beans already!"


Tobin parked in front of the school and texted Alex.

"Hey, Hope wants to know when Vincent has his free period."

Alex quickly replied, "Right now, why."

Tobin lied, "Hope was just wondering thanks."

She and Ash got out of the car right when the bell rang. "Let's do this," said the tall brunette putting on shades walking into the school with all eyes on her and Ash.

They wandered around the main hallway before deciding to go to the courtyard to check. Both girls saw Vincent and Alex talking then Vincent pushed Alex up against the wall and started kissing her, Alex seemed to be enjoying it.

Tobin finally snapped, she sprinted through the courtyard with Ash following her. Tobin jumped over a bench and quickly got to the boy. She pulled Vincent off of Alex before punching him in the face, luckily Alex didn't get hurt.

Vincent was on the floor in seconds and Tobin was on him landing all her punches on him. Then finally, he pushed her off and hit her in the face, that made her blonde friend snap. She pulled the boy off of Tobin and pushed him to the wall, holding him by his collar.

"Look, Vincent, you may think you have everyone fooled but I know what you did. So back the fuck up and leave," threatened Ash still holding him by his collar. Vincent spat in Ashlyn's face and kneed her in the stomach.

"Vincent stop," shouted Alex holding Vincent's arm, pulling him back. Vincent without a thought slapped Alex. Tobin went blank for a second time, but this time was worse.

She quickly got up and hit Vincent in the face then pushed him down. Tobin was so angry, she saw nothing but Alex standing there, hurt. Tobin helped her friend up and ran to Alex. "Alex are you ok?"

Tobin was holding Alex's face looking for any cuts. After a second of searching, Tobin saw Alex was bleeding from her cheekbone. "Lex, you're okay." Tobin's hand was shaking as she felt Alex's blood on it.

"Y-You're okay you just need a band-aid," whispered Tobin. Soon enough the Mr. Price, the principal, got through the huge crowd surrounding the four students. Suddenly Tobin's vision adjusted she noticed the crowd, Vincent, and the principal.

"Uh-oh," said the three girls in unison. "Alex, come with me I'll fix your cut come on," begged Tobin. Alex nodded and held onto Tobin's hand as they dashed through the courtyard, main hallway, and parking lot with Ashlyn right behind them.

"There's no room in the car." Tobin threw the blonde her car keys. "Take her to my apartment. Hope's gonna pick me up." Tobin ran down the street where she told Hope to wait for her. "Get in."

Tobin got in her car and Hope peeled out as she took off. "So what happened?"

I can't tell her we beat up her cousin, she'd be mad, thought Tobin.

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