Chapter Ten: Important Decision

Start from the beginning

"Chris, this time I really have to finish the project." I said. He sighed and sat next to me, pulling me onto his lap.

"Then finish it." He said. I blushed and found it hard to type while his hands combed through my hair and I sat on his lap. It was nearly impossible. When I had finally finished and printed it out, it was 7:05. I shut my laptop and sat it on the table before putting the papers in my backpack and grabbing my car keys. Chris followed me out to my car and he climbed in the passenger seat as I drove us to school.

When we finally arrived in the parking lot and Chris got out of my car, I was getting a lot of glares from other girls. They were obviously jealous, and I smirked at a few of them. When I saw Christian's car, I walked over to him just as he was getting out.

"You rode with her?" He asked icily as he looked at Chris over my shoulder. Chris just nodded and then I looked back at Christian.

"I wrote the paper. Here." I said, my smile fading as I gave him the papers.

"Melanie, I'm sorry about-"

I just glared at him and shook my head as I walked back over to Chris. He put his arm around me protectively and we walked into school. I looked behind us to see Christian with a slightly hurt expression on his face. I felt a little guilty, but he had already greeted Chris with a bad mood. I had planned on talking to him nicely, but apparently he still hadn't gotten over the fact that I had chosen his brother over him.

At my locker I got all my books and then walked with Chris to math, sitting next to him like I had on the first day.

After first and second period was over, it was time for me to go to English with Christian.  Chris walked with me a halfway, and then when he saw Christian he stopped in the middle of the hallway, making me face him and kissing me softly.

"See you later koritsáki." He said, kissing me again before walking off towards his class. I was a little stunned that he had showed me affection in the middle of a hallway with other students, but I was far from complaining. I walked past Christian and went into english class. A few seconds later, he was taking his seat next to me, and the bell hadn't rung yet so the teacher was still outside. 

"Melanie." he said softly. I looked over at him. 

"Yeah?" I replied, my tone softening towards him when Chris wasn't around. 

"Can I please talk to you after class?" he asked. 

"We have to go to geography." I reminded him. He sighed and looked at me. 

"Please." he  begged. I sighed in defeat. 

"Fine." I replied. He smiled and then the bell rang. Apparently today was the last day for the project, so tomorrow we had to turn it in. It kind of made me sad, because now I wouldn't have a legitimate excuse to go to his house and see Chris. And it wouldn't give Chris an excuse to come to my house...alone with me. I began daydreaming about him for the rest of english class, no matter how hard I tried to stop it. 

As soon as the bell rang, Christian got up and waited for me, and I was confused at first until I remembered he wanted to talk to me. He led me out of the classroom and pulled me into the same storage closet that I had pulled Chris into yesterday. I sighed when he locked the door and turned to face me. 


As I was exiting my geography class, I heard towards Melanie's english class only to see Christian grabbing her hand and tugging her into a storage closet. I felt a rage grow inside me, and I gripped my necklace hard, trying to calm myself down and not let my eyes glow red. I took a deep breath before I walked towards the closet, pressing my ear against the door to listen. 

"...Melanie, I love you. I'm in love with you." Christian said. I clenched my jaw as I listened for Melanie's response. 

"I understand that Christian, and I think that truthfully, I could say that I love you too, but I don't love you as much as Chris." she said. That brought a smile to my face. 

"Did you ever think of what would happen if Jackson found out about you and Chris? He would kill you Melanie. And then he would kill Chris." Christian said. I raised an eyebrow. Jackson wouldn't kill me unless he wanted a war, right? 


"Listen. Chris doesn't know this yet, but my friend Trinity, he was on my side, and his brother Jeffery killed him yesterday. Our side is one short, which means as soon as the other side finds out there will be a war. One of the other side needs to die to keep everything in balance, and Jackson wouldn't have a problem killing Chris if he found out he has feelings for you." Christian explained. This made my eyes grow wide in fear. Trinity was dead....war... oh shit. 

"What about you? You can have feelings for people and Chris can't?" Melanie asked, and I could imagine her crossing her arms. 

"I'm allowed to. Don't ask me why, but our side doesn't have as many limitations. I'm just telling you, sometimes you have to sacrifice true love for what's right. You already said you loved me, maybe not as much as Chris, but it's enough to choose me over him. I could still make you happy, Melanie. I look just like him, if you wanted to, you could even pretend I was him. Just give me a chance before both of you get killed." he pleaded. He had a very convincing statement, and I held my breath, dreading Melanie's response. 


"Just give me a chance before both of you get killed." Christian said. I was frozen in shock, still trying to take all of this in, when Christian pressed his lips to mine. My brain was moving slowly as he wrapped my arms around his neck. I knew I should pull away, and I wanted to pull away, but my limbs weren't responding. My eyes wouldn't open, and I realized that if I wanted to, I could pretend he was Chris. They had the same features, the same expressions, the same tone of voice...but only Chris could make me melt for him. But was Christian right? Would choosing him prevent me and Chris from dying? No matter what happened, I didn't want Chris to die, and maybe choosing Christian could prevent that... 

I was torn. Chris was my true soul mate, but Christian was romantic and I could easily fall for him. What should I choose? My heart, or saving someone's life? 


A/N What do you guys think? Do you like Chris or Christian better and who should she choose? 

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