Chapter Two: A Taste of Chris

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As Chris drove us home, I glared at him.

"What?" He asked innocently.

"Why were you with Melanie today?" I asked.

"Because I was talking to her." He said simply.

"About?" I questioned impatiently.

"Is it really any of your business?" He growled.

"Hmm let me think, I met a nice girl that I would like to date, and then my brother starts hanging out with her. Should I be concerned?" I said sarcastically.

"It's not like that this time." He growled, his grip on the wheel tightening.

"The hell it isn't! I understand you're evil, but I've never seen one of your kind as selfish as you! You pick a random girl, everywhere we go, and you feed off them until they're dead!" I shouted.

"It makes me stronger." He protested, his eyes beginning to glow red.

"I see that. Just stay away from Melanie. Anyone but her." I said, looking out the window.

"Hmph. You really care about her." He commented. I blushed.

"Whatever." I grumbled. He chuckled, but I was fully aware of the fact that he hadn't promised to stay away from her. And that bothered me.

When we pulled into the driveway, Chris' phone rang. He snatched it up.

"Hello?...he's right next to me.... No, his phone is off.... Okay..... No....alright I'll tell him. Bye." He hung up the phone and smirked at me.

"Trinity wants you." He said.

"When?" I said in an annoyed tone.

"Now." He replied, a smile spreading across his face.

"But I have to work on the project with Melanie!" I complained. Chris's smirked.

"Well, you can't cancel, and if you wanna get a good grade you should get the work done. I know an awful lot about demonology..." He said, trailing off as he twirled his keys around.

"No." I said instantly.

"What? I can't fill in for you for a couple hours?" He asked innocently.

"You'll do something." I growled.

"No I won't. I promise not to feed off her." He said.

"Yeah right. You couldn't even feed off her if you wanted to. She doesn't have feelings for you." I scoffed.

"Okay. Whatever." He replied. I got out of his car angrily, slamming the door. Then I got my keys out of my pocket and jumped in my car, starting it and peeling out of the driveway. Stupid Trinity, always needing my help at the wrong time. I found his house and parked the car, walking up to his front door and knocking. He opened it a second later, relief showing on his face.

"Christian, I'm glad you could make it. We've got trouble." He said.

"What is it?" I asked.

"It's Jeremy. He's out of control."

Shit. Jeremy was his brother, and he got out of control way too often. Nothing we couldn't handle.


I lounged on the couch and watched the clock, knowing Melanie would come any minute. When I heard a light knock on the door, I jumped up and answered it, smiling at her. Something I never did.

"H-hi, is Christian here?" She stuttered. Pffft. And Christian said she didn't have feelings for me. Yeah right.

"No, he had to run a few errands. But I happen to know a lot about the topic you guys are doing. I can fill in for him." I said quickly. Her eyes grew wide.

"You'll be my partner?" She asked uncertainly.

"Yeah, until Christian gets back." I said. She nodded a little too eagerly and then came inside. I shut the door behind her and led her upstairs. We went into my room, which was almost identical to Christian's, except everything in my room was black. I shrugged out of my jacket and hung it over the chair. This should be fun.


I watched as he hung his jacket over the chair, and my eyes were instantly glued to his arms. The tattoos weren't just on his hands, they ran all the way up his arms... I snapped out of my trance when his eyes met mine, and I was lost in his dark brown orbs.

"So what notes do you have so far?" He asked. I blushed and pulled out my notes, handing them to him. His eyes quickly scanned over them and he scoffed.


Christian wasn't going to let her figure out what we were, that much was clear. It looked like he had steered her to all the wrong sites. All of the notes she had were filled with completely incorrect information. It was far from the truth.

"Did you guys find any better sites?" I asked.

"Well we did find one, but Christian wouldn't let me read the whole thing." She said. I smirked.

"Tell me the URL."

Seconds later, I had the page up, and she was reading it intently. Now THIS had some correct information. She erased some notes she had from before and filled them in with new things. I just sat back and watched as I told her what to write. Most of the things I wasn't even getting off the website. They were coming straight from my brain. I was an expert at this. Obviously.

When she was finished taking notes, she looked up at me.

"Do you think we should start on the rough draft?" She asked.

"Nah, I think you should let Christian look at the notes first before you do anything else." I suggested. She nodded and agreed before packing up everything.


We were done, and Christian still wasn't back. What were we going to do now? I looked up and saw Chris staring at me as I put everything away. He was leaning back in his chair with his arms folded across his chest. I went and sat on the edge of his bed.

"When will Christian be back?" I asked.

"Am I really that boring?" He asked with a light laugh. I shook my head quickly and he smiled. He moved to sit next to me on the bed, and his leg brushed mine. Before I knew it, his arms were around me and hoisting me onto his lap. He was forcing me to straddle him, and it made a blush come to my cheeks.

"What's wrong?" He asked, as if oblivious that I was on his lap.

"N-nothing." I said. I didn't want to get off his lap, and I was surprised that he had even put me there. My hands were resting on his broad shoulders, and I could feel how muscular they were. I jumped when his hand snaked around my waist. His other hand tangled in my hair as he slowly lowered my face closer to his. When his lips were about to meet mine, I turned away.

"What?" He asked, his breath tickling my cheek.

"Chris, I-I kissed your brother." I said.

"And?" He asked, his arm tightening around my waist.

"It wouldn't feel right to do that to him." I said guiltily.

"Hey, what he doesn't know won't hurt him." He said in a husky voice. That voice just set me off, and I quickly turned my head so that my lips met his. He dragged me closer to his body as his lips devoured mine, and my hands instantly tangled in his hair. This kiss wasn't sweet and romantic like it was with Christian, it was sexy and hot and out of control. His tongue pushed into my mouth and wrestled mine, and I began to really feel what I was actually sitting on...

His lips were soft like Christian's, but they tasted sweeter, and Chris was a better kisser. He shifted me on his lap, causing a moan to slip out of me. He smirked and pushed me onto the bed, continuing to kiss me until my head was spinning. His lips finally moved to my neck, and I gasped for air.

"Chris..." I said, trailing off. He came back up and kissed me sweetly on the lips.

"Hmm?" He asked, pulling off his shirt and tossing it to the floor. When my eyes met his six pack and the many tattoos covering his torso, my mouth went dry.

"N-nothing." I said, continuing to stare at his chest.

"That's what I thought." He whispered, kissing me again. His hands on my waist were hot, almost too hot, just like Christian's hands felt. When Christian's face popped into my head, guilt shot through me and I began to push Chris away. He grabbed my wrists, forcing me to stay put.

"Chris...stop." I commanded. He ignored me and took my lower lip between his teeth. I struggled, trying to break free of his grasp.

"Chris!" I shouted. He seemed to come back to his senses and instantly released me. His eyes were filled with lust as he hovered over me, and I noticed a strange looking necklace hanging from his neck. It was a silver chain with a black pendant hanging from it. I didn't get a good look of it however, because just then we heard footsteps on the stairs. Chris cussed under his breath and rolled off me, pulling his shirt on and motioning for me to get in the closet. I was supposed to be gone by now. I got in the closet and shut the door, listening to what was going on outside. I heard the door open, and I peeked through the tiny slats in the door to see Christian. His eyes were glowing blue, and I held back a gasp. How were his eyes blue?

"Where is she?" He growled.

"What are you talking about?" Chris asked. Christian growled angrily and raised his hand. Bright orange fire shot from his palm and hit Chris in the chest, singeing his t-shirt. My eyes were wide open in shock. I looked at Chris to see that his eyes were glowing red.

"She left!" He shouted.

"Liar! I can see her car outside!" Christian replied. He raised his hand and another jet of fire shot out, but Chris dodged it and raised his own hand. I expected the same orange flames to come out, but instead it was a black mist-like substance. It hit Christians shoulder and burned through his shirt, leaving a gaping hole. I realized that this odd black substance was also a form of fire, and the wheels slowly started to turn in my head.

"Did you feed off her?!" Christian shouted.

"No! I said I wouldn't!" Chris replied.

"Then where the hell is she?!" Christian said, taking a step closer to Chris.

"Are you really going to fight me, brother? She's in your room, in the closet." Chris said. Christian growled and stomped furiously out of the room, and Chris instantly yanked open the door and shoved me out of his room, hurrying down the stairs after me. I sprinted outside to my car and got inside, but before I shut the door Chris stopped me. His eyes searched mine, and I cringed away from him, remembering the red color his eyes had been.

"I'll explain tomorrow." He whispered, and then he leaned in and pressed his lips to mine one last time. I was frozen in shock as he shut my door, but then I shook my head and started the car, backing out and speeding away, still not believing what I had just witnessed.

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