Suddenly a voice yells up the stairs, "Blue come set the table!" The voice is none other than Blue's own mother, Maura.

"Coming!" Blue calls back. Quickly she leaves her room and closes the door. Walking towards the stairs she catches Adam in the hallway, who is also heading to the kitchen. "Hey what are you doing up here? I thought you guys were sleeping in the living room?" Blue asks him in light confusion.

Adam smiles sheepishly. "We are, but Persephone wanted me to come up and check out her room in the attic so I'm just heading downstairs now," He says.

Blue smiles at the thought of a giggling Persephone trying to drag the five foot seven teenage boy up to her room to see all of her strange artifacts and crafts. "Do you think she likes you then?" Blue asks him.

"Yeah I think so, and I like her too. Persephone just seems so, so..." Adam struggles to find he words but cannot so he shrugs his shoulders and smiles.

"I agree," Blue laughs. There are just no words to describe that woman.

Together they clomp down the stairs and over to the kitchen. Before they even reach the doorway the enriching smells of a nice home cooked meal reaches their nostrils.

"That smells good. Noah are you the one cooking that up?" Blue asks the giddy little teenage boy.

Blushing, the still smiling Noah replies, "Yes but Ms. Maura is helping."

"Call me Maura honey, none of that Miss business," Blue's mother chirps.

Blue smiles. "I hope that you aren't just cooking lasagna though. There are some vegetables coming out too right?" Blue teasingly asks her mother.

Maura rolls her eyes. "There's asparagus on the stove just for you," She teases back at her daughter.

"Thank you!" Blue says, thanking her mother dramatically.

Maura rolls her eyes. "Set the table would you?" She asks her daughter.

Blue nods and goes to the cupboard to grab enough plates for everyone. Then she looks over at their small kitchen table and decides that it won't be big enough for everyone to eat at.

"Why don't we all just sit and eat in the living room?" Blue suggest.

"Good idea," A suddenly appearing Calla declares and pats Blue on the back as she walks to grab three wine glasses from the cabinet. Blue nods and just lays the plates on the counter for people to grab and make their meal buffet style. Next she grabs the knives and forks and so on. Once everything is set out she grabs a plate and says, "Well guys, let's eat."

As soon as everyone has acquired their food and drinks they manage to make their way into the living room. As they all look around they realize once again that there is not enough seating for everyone. So quicker than the teens could blink the three lovely women race to the couch and take their seats. Next Blue goes to sit on the love seat in the corner of the room, Gansey follows and sits besides her. Noah smiles and sits on the carpet at their feet so he can lean against their seat. Then finally Ronan takes the large armchair that lays across from the love seat. Adam follows him and sits on the arm of the large chair to lean against Ronan's side. Awkwardly, they all begin to silently eat.

Everyone shifts around for a while and wonders who is going to break the unbearable silence first. Until finally Maura speaks up. "Well how was the drive down?" She asks.

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