"It'll be alright darling. Only three months. It's not like I'm leaving forever. Here," Logan spoke taking me by the hand, and leading me over towards my phone. He let go for a second, and then was dailing something..or pressing something. He then turned my phone around, and I noticed that he had put his phone number on speed dial. After showing me that, he turned my phone back towards him and didn something else. 

It wasn't too long, because he turned the phone around and there I saw my background was the two of us. It was a photo that Kendall had taken. He was trying to work on photography, and so he took a mini photo shoot with us, and I saved a lot of them. But that one was my favorite. Logan took me by the hand again, and led me towards the kitchen where, there was a bag..and a box. My boyfriend grabbed the box, and opened it. Inside, there was two necklaces. Both of them had the first letter of our names on them. Taking one of them, he walked back around the island, and behind me. 

Soon enough, the cold piece of jewelry was around my neck. It was long enough that I could hold it out, and just glance at it. Tears began to build again, and my sniffling increased. Logan didn't have to do this for me. He didn't have to get me this..Oh Logan. 

"I put my number on speed dial so whenever you needed me, you could call me. I also, bought you a few things. Whats in the bag, I'm going to give you once we head out for the road. I'm also going to call you every night when it's eight here, and whatever time it is wherever we are. I'm going to skype you when I can, but you will for sure get a phone call." Logan spoke wrapping his arms around my torso. I only nodded my head and looked down at our hands. 

"I promised that I would never leave you alone, or let you feel like your alone. And until the day I die, I will never break that promise." He spoke kissing my cheek. A few tears escaped, and I found myself squeezing Logan's hand tighter. 

~ After the concert

"C'mon Logan! We gotta head out dude!" Kendall shouted from their tour buss. I couldn't help but laugh a little. Logan waved him off, and turned towards me. He was holding the bag that he told me not to open until he Skyped me..which was going to be in less in an hour. His eyes burned into mine, and he squeezed my right hand. This was the last time I would see my boyfriend..until August...or September..I don't remember. 

"Are you sure you're going to be alright?" Logan asked his usual smile turned into a small frown. I only nodded my head not speaking. Because, I knew if I spoke, I'd be crying..and that wouldn't look good. 

"I'm going to miss you." I choked out, tears beginning to build again. Quickly, Logan took ahold of my face, and wiped any tears that escaped. He held my face like that for minutes just staring into my eyes. 

"And I'm going to miss you. Now don't cry honey. Please. Trust me, it'll go by fast. I promise." He spoke planting a kiss on my forehead, and then on my lips. This was our final kiss until we'd see each other again. I could taste the saltiness of a few of his tears escaping on my lips. Logan pulled my body close to his, hugging me. 

Our kiss broke, when someone honked the tour buss horn at us. Logan turned around and flipped whoever off and swore under his breath. That's when a weak laughter escaped my lips just looking at him. My boyfriend turned around, and gazed at me for a few seconds. 

"Goodbye Logie Bear. Love you lots." I whispered giving him a half smile. Logan kissed my forehead yet again and said his goodbyes. 

"Goodbye my love. Love you til the ends of the earth." And with that, he brushed a few tears away, and squeezed me one last time. Then he turned around and walked off, leaving me standing there watching them go. 

~Two weeks later. 

Surprisingly, the first couple of weeks have been easy going. Logan kept up to his promise, and didn't forget to call me. I did open the bag he got me, and was surprised as hell. He had gotten me an iPad mini, and already, there was two-hundred songs..all of the songs we loved. And, that's what I've been using to Skype him with. 

Also, I've been noticing that..I'm gaining a little more weight than usual. I've also been eating a lot..so that's probably the cause to it all. Logan's been asking me if I got a pregnancy test yet, and I've always answered no..but today..somehow, Katie convinced me. And that's where I am now. Standing in front of the mirror, 7:50 PM at night..staring at the positive pregnancy test. It wasn't until my Skype went off.

Running towards it, I picked it up on one of the second to last rings. Logan was sitting in the tour buss smiling at me. I put on a face smile and said my hellos. Right as I said,"Hello." Logan knew something was up. That's when the questions began hitting. 

"Baby, what's wrong?" He questioned. Heh..should I tell him he's a father? 

"Logan's on Skype with his girlfrienddddd!" James sang. I couldn't help but laugh and yell back,"Shut up James! At least Logan has a girlfriend!" I teased. The now burned friend, began saying something else, but Logan yelled at him. I couldn't get the guts to tell Logan..so I was glad James cut in when he did. 

"Honey, please tell me." Those big chocolate brown eyes looked frightened. Fuck..I shouldn't hold it anymore..

"Logan..what if I told you..you're going to be a father?" 

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