Chapter Eleven: Shadows and Nightmares

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Luna was awoken the next day to a frantic knock at her door. She sat bolt upright in her bed, breathing hard. It wasn't that the knock had scared her. 

It was the nightmare she had just had.

The pitiless laughter, the shadows that swallowed everything...there was no doubt that this was not only a nightmare, but it was THE Nightmare. 

Luna knew who was at the door before she ever lit her horn to open it. Orion, even in obvious panic, was ever the proper stallion, not entering until she motioned him in. He was in a grey robe that spoke of being sound asleep, but his wild eyes and trembling hooves said anything but that. 

"Luna, are your nightmares back?!? Are you okay?!?" 

Luna nodded, her fear reflecting in her eyes. Even so, it struck her that Orion's first words to her, after what had obviously been torment for him, were those of concern for her well-being. 

"Orion...I love you."

The bright smile that graced Orion's face chased away the worry that had shadowed it only a moment before. He stood there for a moment, then spoke:

"And I love you , Luna."

It could have been perfect. They could have gone happily back to sleep, dreamt sweet dreams. They could have rushed to Celestia the next morning, asking her blessing of their marriage. They could have done those things. But now was not a perfect time. Now, they has a duty to fulfill. 

They would hunt Nightmares tonight. 


A resolute Night Guard gathered in the Court of the Moon, awaiting further instruction. They had been summoned from their homes, some recovering from a conversion to Batpony, Nightwalker, or Saberhorn. All on edge, ready to jump at the slightest threat. They had reason to be, since they had been called even before their Night Guard uniforms had been made. 

At last, the clopping of hooves against the marble floor could be heard. The assembled ponies bowed as Luna came through the doors, arrayed in silver armor. She wore her Princess's harness over it, and the black and silver combination stood out on her dark blue coat. Orion came through beside her, in armor too well tailored to be made in such a short time as had been given. But perhaps the most surprising thing was who followed them: the Princess of The Sun, and a strange, redmaned stallion. Standing together, it struck many how alike they looked, yet how different. 

Luna, being the one that the gathered Guard was supposed to be loyal to above all others, spoke first.

"Greetings. I am sorry to have to summon you in such a short time after your appointment. However, a grave threat has been discovered. I have faced this threat before, as have the alicorns that stand here with me, each in their own way. This threat is the creature that you call Nightmare Moon."

The guard shifted uneasily. Of course they had heard tales of Nightmare Moon. But that name had always been tied with Luna's, and they now guarded her. To be told that the mare you protect may not have conquered her dark past after all....that was unnerving to say the least. 

Even so, they listened to Luna as she told them her plan. None of them were powerful enough to defeat Nightmare Moon, but that wasn't their fault. Besides, Luna and Orion had a sneaking suspicion that this problem had only one solution, and only they could take care of it. 


It was nearing midnight when Luna and Orion took off from Canterlot. Besides a few Night Guards, they were alone; since Midnight Winter stayed to protect Canterlot in case of an attack, along with the rest of the Night Guard; and Celestia and Solaris had gone through the mirror to Equus. They would protect the ponies there from any threat that might escape and slip through the mirror. 

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