Chapter Two: Portrait

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Luna nearly bolted straight into the doors of the meeting hall in her happy carelessness. Thankfully, the large golden handles of the stately doors were rather difficult to miss. Luna lot her horn and used her magic to open the doors, mentally making sure she hadn't forgot anything important. Fine time to do that, Luna. Oh well... Luna entered the meeting hall to see her sister at the head of a long table, and three ponies along its length. Midnight Winter sat to the right of an empty chair that was obviously meant for Luna. On Celestia's left sat Cadance, and beside her was a white unicorn stallion with a dark blue mane, presumably Captain Shining Armor. A normal pony might have bowed and scraped before these ponies, or at least kept them at a respectable distance. But not Luna. They were here for her, and she was a Princess. These were her friends, or soon would be. Once Luna was seated, Celestia gave her a smile. Under her breath she whispered "Your mane is returning to its former nicely, dear sister." Luna has to blink before she remembered what Celestia meant. Luna's mane and tail had been reverted to its younger form after she had been freed from the Nightmare. It was most likely just a side effect of the strong magic used to fight off the Nightmare, leaving her positive powers depleted. But now the power Luna once held was returning, and her mane was beginning to become starry once more. The meeting went on without issue, and by the end, three things were very clear. One was that Cadance and Shining Armor were deeply in love. The second was that one thousand years of scary stories hadn't helped Luna's reputation. The third was there were secrets in that room. Not bad ones necessarily, but secrets nonetheless. Midnight Winter and Celestia seemed to have a happy twinkle in their eyes, mostly likely denoting a surprise. Luna could hardly wait until the end of the meeting. Cadance and Shining Armor left, leaving Midnight Winter, Celestia, and Luna in the room. Midnight Winter slipped Luna a folded note, marked "To be read later". Celestia smiled with foalish excitement as she spoke. "Luna, I wanted to surprise you with something special. I know you need to recreate your image with the ponies. I thought a good way to do that might be to get a formal portrait done. So I found a highly-recommeded painter to do your portrait. While he's painting the official portrait, he will also teach you how to paint." Luna's face showed a large array of emotions. On one hoof, this would be incredibly fun, as long as the painter wasn't a terrible pony. On the other hoof, the last portrait Luna had made was more than 1,200 years before. Will this really be worth it? Do I have to just erase my history and start from scratch?
Luna waited in her study for the artist to arrive. Sitting on a blue chaise, Luna was wrapped deeply in her thoughts when the door began to open. She didn't look up until blue hooves stood directly in front of her. She glanced up, prepared to see some small brown stallion with a mustache. What she actually saw was a deep blue alicorn stallion, strong and tall. He actually looked a good bit like her. What fresh madness is this?!? "Princess?"
"Who are you?"

Very nice first impression. NOT.

"My name is Orion. I...I know I might seem a little...familar. It's a long story...."

"Never mind." Rising from her seat, Luma walked to where two easels had been set up. "So...what are we studying today?"

If Orion had been at all taken aback by Luna changing the subject, he hid it well. "We will begin by studying shape and movement."

"Oh, how lovely! I assume Celestia booked a model for us to study?"
Orion nodded. Just then, a knock came at the door. Upon Luna's invitation, a servant mare entered and bowed. "Princess, a note for you!" Luna levitated the note over and began to read as the mare left. "Ah. The model arranged has been double-booked between this appointment and another."
"What's the other appointment, if I might ask?"
"Her wedding."
"Oh. What would you like me to do, Princess Luna?"
"Ah....just...just paint me."
"Paint you?"
"Of course. The finishing portrait shall be of me, shall it not? Why not get used to the subject for the final painting?"
"But your lessons...?"
"You can still teach me. Now, which way shall I pose?"
Luna struck several poses, none of which were what Orion was looking for. He walked over to where Luna still stood. "May I.....?" Luna nodded, and Orion gently moved Luna. "One hoof here....lift it slightly....head turned this way...." At last Orion returned to his easel and began to paint. As brushstrokes began to appear in the canvas, he talked about shape and movement. And then about everything. Throughout that painting session, Luna and Orion talked about everything under the moon.

Luna was beginning to like this alicorn.

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