Chapter Six: The Finished Portrait

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The next day dawned bright and clear, reflective of the new joy that Luna had in her life. There were two reasons to remember that splendid morning. Neither of them had anything to do with the blessed few hours of sleep Luna had gotten before rising at noon, or with the delicious leftovers from the night's banquet. Neither of them were about the sensation Luna has when ponies smiled at gee in the street, or the new garden that Celestia had commissioned for Luna. No, these things were wonderful, but they were not why Luna knew she would always remember that day. Both had to do with a certain male alicorn. That day was the unveiling of the finished portrait of Luna, which would hang in the palace for all to see. At sunset, the blue curtain that hid the painting would be dropped, and Luna would see the finished piece. The second reason to remember that day would come later, as Luna would soon find out....


The clink of glasses filled the palace air, combining with the swish of rich fabrics and colors of the nobleponies' attire to create an atmosphere of dignity and wealth. Luna and Celestia mingled with the guests, arrayed in gowns that outshone all others. Orion, too, was dressed in his finest, a blue and silver tuxedo jacket with a white cravat at his neck. Many of the guests must have mistook him for royalty, him being a finely dressed alicorn. Luna watched him accept compliments and correct the nobleponies that bowed before him. To her, the ease with which Orion spoke with members of the gentry told her that something was not entirely what it seemed. He stood taller than any other pony, save Celestia. With a start, Luna realized that he was taller than she was. Alicorns grew to be and stayed taller than other ponies, but she had never really noticed having to look up ever so slightly to meet Orion's eyes. She was just beginning to wonder if he was a natural, immortal alicorn, or if he had been granted alicornhood by another, when Celestia nudged her. "It's time for the ceremony, Luna." A trumpet blew, and all turned to the great windows of the hall to witness the sunset. The moon rose swiftly behind it, adding to the atmosphere a gorgeous hue of violet. Luna then turned and walked to where Celestia now stood at the top of the stairs. With a wave of their hooves and a trumpet fanfare, the blue curtain covering the painting dropped, and all the nobles gasped. Before them hung a masterpiece of blue, black, silver, gold, and white. It was Luna in the painting, of course, but she was painted so beautifully, some of the nobles shed tears. Luna herself gazed at the painting, awestruck. She only looked away when a hoof touched her shoulder. Looking around, she realized that she had walked, in her daze, all the way down the stairs, and was now standing directly in front of the portrait. The hoof on her shoulder belonged to Orion, who was smiling hopefully at Luna. 

"Do you like it?"

"'s a masterpiece, Orion!"

" like it?"

"Very much, Orion. Very, very much."

Orion's smile seemed to reach from ear to ear. He stepped back from Luna, bowing. Luna realized then that she hadn't been at all opposed to Orion standing so close beside her. In fact, now that he wasn't standing there, it felt like there was a space. He was nearby, of course, but not close enough. Luna turned to catch his eye before going to talk to the nobles. The sparkle in his eye told her that this would not be the last time they would see each other that night. 


Luna walked slowly into a clearing later that night, after all the guests had gone home, and Celestia was asleep. She looked once more at the amazing surroundings, the place of the two shining waterfalls, where she and Orion had gone that day. But Luna wasn't really paying attention to the scenery tonight. She was looking for Orion. Suddenly, there he was. Emerging from a swath of hanging moss, still clothed in the grand outfit he wore to the celebration. Luna ran to greet him. 


"Hello, my Princess. Fancy meeting you here."

"Orion, you know as well as I that you wanted to meet here."

"How is that?"

"I shan't even pretend to know. What intrigues me is why you wanted to see me." 

Of course, Luna had her hopes. But nothing could prepare her for what Orion said next. 

"My Princess..." Orion said, bowing low. Then he looked up into Luna's eyes. " dearest Luna. Your grace shines far brighter than the moon and stars combined. I have seen you go through your life with the spirit of a true Princess, and I have grown to love you very, very much...."

Tears began to gather in Luna's eyes as Orion continued:

"Durine the coming weeks, many suitors may come, trying to win the hoof of the Princess of the Moon. Will you do me the honor of allowing me to be the first?"

"Orion....of course I will."

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