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please listen to the song! It's great for this chapter!
16 Years Later...


"Marissa! Focus!" My partner yelled at me as he aimed to punch my jaw. His fist hit my jaw and my head snapped to the right, "I told you to focus!" My partner, Hudson, scolded.

"Sorry!" I said, stepping away from Hudson, "I'm distracted." I grabbed my water bottle and chugged the water down.

"I know you are, but you can't let your guard down." Hudson said.

"Well how would you feel if you were about to go back to the place where your father was killed?" I said.

"I'd feel the same way." Hudson said, "You know Michael said you could bring me, he already has my-"

"No." I said, "I was assigned to do this, I already changed my appearance, I'm not going to wait any longer. I'm supposed to be doing this on my own. If you come, I won't be able to stay unnoticed." my hair that used to be brown has been died into blue, almost like the color you would see on jeans, and has been cut to my shoulders. My once clear skin has been filled with tattoos. My body was covered in vines and flowers. They start at the end of my left thigh, run across my stomach, but once they get to the middle of my stomach they go into two separate paths. One path goes up my chest and runs down my right arm and the vines wrap around my wrist. The second path runs down my back, goes down my right butt cheek, and down right leg. Like my wrist, the vines wrap around my ankle. For a tattoo, it was pretty freaking beautiful. At least, I thought so.

"M, the unsub drains womens' blood. Isn't there a tiny part of you that wants me to come?" Hudson said.

"Of course I do Hudson, but I would be able to catch the unsub a lot sooner if you weren't there." I said, crossing my arms.

"But-" Hudson was cut short when a colleague of mine came walking in.

"Marissa, Michael needs you for a final de-brief before you leave tomorrow." John says.

"Alright, thank you. I'll be there in a minute." I said. John nodded his head and walked out.

"So... that's it. You're leaving. Without me." Hudson said, sounding defeated.

"Hudson..." I started, "It's not that I don't want you with me, it's just that I'll be able to solve this case a lot faster if you weren't there. The unsub will know that the police are on to him when two people just so happen to arrive to St.Petersburg, no one has moved into that town since 2010. The unsub will be even more suspicious when he sees that we're not giving out any information about ourselves, and we're not trying to fit into the community. Hudson, please understand."

"I understand, it's just that this is your first assignment without me. We've been working together for two years, it's just weird to think that we won't be working together anymore." Hudson said.

"I know." I said, "But I'll be back, then everything will be back to normal. We'll be the badass partners who are going even more badass when I come back."

"Hell yeah," Hudson said as we fist bumbed.

"I'll see you." I said.

"Bye Marissa." Hudson said softly.

As I walked out of the training room, I felt a tear roll down my face. I quickly wiped it away and held the rest of my tears back. I went into the locker room and quickly changed out of my spandex and training bra into my blue jeans and white T-shirt. I headed into Michael's office.

"Ah. Ms. Frost. Are you ready for your assignment?" Michael asks me.

"Yes." I answered.

"Good. We have new information about the unsub. We found another body." He said. I sighed.

"Damn it." I said, "I thought we had time."

"I did too. He must have been provoked somehow. He let his emotions take over. Unlike the other victims, she was sexually harassed. Her name was Mary Collins. Age 24, brown hair, worked at a strip club club, did drugs, she barely had any friends, and she had a boyfriend. And just like the others, no family whatsoever. Her blood was also drained, just like the others." Michael said.

"If he sexually harassed her, she must've been a personal case. Maybe an old flame that died out?" I guessed. Michael shook his head.

"No. She only had one boyfriend." Michael said.

"Then he must be falling in love with his victims. He could become close with them, fall in love, then capture them when he was rejected. Maybe this time, Mary had a little fight in her and provoked the unsub to rape her." I said, pacing back and forth.

"Could be. Mary's boyfriend had said that she had started to stay late at the club before her death." Michael agreed.

"Is there anything else?" I asked.

"Yes, I need you to leave tonight before the unsub strikes again." Michael said. I nodded.

"I'll grab my bags at home and leave. Is the house ready?" I ask.

"Yeah. I already have groceries in the fridge for you." Michael said.

"Thank you. I won't fail." I said.

"I know you won't. Keep us updated. Turn your head at any funny business, or else you'll blow your cover. You have your orders. Go." Michael said, tilting his head towards the door. I walked towards the door, but Michael's voice stopped me.

"Marissa." I turned when I heard his voice, "Be careful." He said, his features softening.

"I will." I stepped out of his office. I grabbed my things and headed home. I got into my car and began to drive home. I went over my new ID in my head. Alyssa King, 23 years old, born February 14, 1992. Owner of new club, Infinity. No family, no friends, no boyfriend. Masters degree in business. Not exactly a clean record. Faced jail time when she was sixteen for stealing liquor from a drug store. Hometown, St.Petersburg, Louisiana but moved away at age 9 to move to New Jersey. Came back to open a club. I drove into my driveway and parked my car.

I stepped into my home. It was a two story house with a lot of space. On the first floor there is a living room, kitchen, a bathroom, and a guest bedroom. On the top floor, I had my office, a bathroom, a storage closet, and my room which has a bathroom inside. I ran upstairs and grabbed my bags filled with my new clothes and my files from work. I loaded them on to my new motorcycle that was registered to Alyssa King. I took one last look at my house.

"I'll be back." I whispered. I walked to my motorcycle and drove away. Let's go catch a killer.

"I think part of the reason why we hold on to something so tight is because we fear something so great
won't happen twice."


Surprise update!!!
So what do you guys think? I just want to spend these first few chapters just getting to explain the characters. But don't worry, I'll add a little something something here and there. The picture above is what I imagine Marissa looking like. The person in the picture is Mila Kunis. That's who plays Marissa in my mind. The picture above is the hair color I imagine her having but not the same haircut. You are free to use your imagination though! Please comment and vote!


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