Chapter 20. Second Date Part 2

Start from the beginning

I smiled. "Are you ready to go then?" I asked and I started to take out my wallet.

Sora immediately jumped up and clasped my wallet closed.


"You can't pay!! This is a date! The guy is supposed to pay silly!" he said as if I should've know that. He kissed my forehead and sat back down on his stool and pulled out his own wallet from his back pocket.

He looked at the receipt and his jaw dropped to the ground instantly after he read the price.

I started to giggle.

"Wow... I didn't expect that price for 13 bowls of ramen!" he exclaimed slowly.

"Haha! That's another reason why I love this place so much! They're so cheap! No matter the size, it's always 200 yen, no tax!" I said happily.

A/N: 100 yen I roughly the equivalent of $1 in the United States if you didn't know. But, it's always different in like every manga so idk if it's right.

Sora got 2600 yen out of his wallet and set it on the counter. ($26.00)

"Bye old man!" I waved with my free hand as Sora and I walked out, hand-in-hand.

Sora's POV

'Now, to the next place!' I thought as we hopped into my car.

"Where are we going now?" Mina asked once she realized that we missed our turn to go back home.

I only smirked at her as a reply, "I can't ruin the surprise, now can I?"

She groaned quietly and slumped down in her seat.

Finally, I turned into the movie theater parking lot and her face lit up. I couldn't help but smile.

"What movie??" Mina asked enthusiastically as we walked into the theater.

"Your favorite!" I said with a smirk. "The Notebook!"

She squealed and hugged me so tight that I could hardly breath, "Can't... breath..." I managed to choke out with almost being completely out of breath and all.

She quickly released me from her hug, "Ah, umm... sorry!"

"It's alright. Now, let's go get some tickets!" I took her warm hand and led her over to the counter to buy tickets, drinks, and popcorn.

"Hello, what movie would you like to see tonight?" the man at the cash register asked nicely.

"I would like two tickets to The Notebook, 9:00pm please," I replied.

"Alright Sir. Here are your tickets!" he handed me two small slips of paper and I put them in my shirt pocket, "Could I interest you in any drinks or popcorn as well?"

"Yes please! One large popcorn, one sweet tea, and..." I looked over to Mina so she could answer.

"I would like a... blue raspberry ICE please!" she said to him with a smile.

"Sure thing, I'll be right back." He walked off and got our order, came back, and placed them all into the counter. "That will come to a total of... 3038 yen!" ($30.38)

I handed over the money and took the popcorn and my sweet tea while Mina grabbed her own drink.

As we walked towards our room, Mina said in a scared tone, "Hide me!!"

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