Old Flames still burn at night

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(New guys pov ) Good morning I hear my mom say as I get up to make my bed .Are you ready for your first day at your new school ? My mom asked As ready as I'll ever be I said while grabbing my towel and heading to the bathroom to get ready for school I turned on the hot water then the cold and hoped in the shower for about 10 minutes hoped out feeling fresh and new ready for what's away waits me at school I dry off and plug my phone up to my speaker and Deadroses by Blackbear an went to pick out my outfit for the day I picked out my black and gray  high top converse with my black and gray t shirt and black jeans and put my black stud earrings in it went together perfectly I thought to myself  as I ran down stairs to catch the bus .I kissed my on the Cheek as she yelled out Have a good day ,as was headed to the door I grabbed my back pack and turned to say I will an I was out of there heading to the bus line I pulled out my headphones and played Who Can I Run To by Xscape I sat on the bench next to some loud as kids as we waited for the bus to come 5 mins later we loaded it up I found a sit at the very back by myself 11 minutes later I arrive at Linkin Park high school and get completely lost this was bigger than I thought ughhhh this is gonna be a frustrating day I can already tell as  I walk into enormous cafeteria and I see a man with a Walkie talkie so I'm thinking he might be important so I walk up to him an ask him if he can show me around school he says yeah son I will. BOOM is all we hear as I look to my left an the fine as guy just slammed to a wall the man runs over the stop whatever was about to happen damn I'm not even used to this i say out loud to myself . You must be new ? I hear a female voice behind  me I turn around to this cute dark skin girl with a cute Afro  yes I am well then it's nice to met you I'm Ziya she says sticking out her hand I'm Kris it nice to met you too as greet with nice firm hand shake .Is it always like this? I ask you mean ghetto ? Yeah I say Boy you ain't even seen the half of it then I see the two guys that where about to fight walking out of the cafeteria I glance at the dude with dreads then I glanced at the other guy who I knew Byrson I said in my head mm His fine ass I bit my lip at the thought of .... Hmmm I saw that Kris she said saw what ? You looking at Jason and Byrson but I won't tell nobody so thank you I say as the bell rings to go to class oh lord this day bout to get ratchet I say to Ziya boy you shoal know what to say I shake my head in agreement had my your schedule so I can see you if got any classes together  hell we do she smiled in excitement my friends are going to love you especially your hair what about my Hair as I put it in a pony tail it's long a pretty she said thanks I guess as we headed to 1 period which was English. Now your day is really about to begin she said Oh Lawd I walk into class an see him again oh shit I said she looks at me an says why do u know my friend Byrson I say cuz that's my Ex . School went by so quickly I spent the whole day with that girl Ziya who've I made a friend of mine we were walking out the back door of the school when we saw my Byrson and some boy kissing me an Ziya were shocked I got made an took a picture of it then thought back a to two months ago (flash back) listen Kris I know I said would take u back but I don't think I'm ready for a relationship I need to be single for while so I can think to myself. I understand that Byrson but I wanna be there for you whenever you need me you know I still love you an I apologized for cheating an you forgave me umm not really he said with a blank expression fine then that's how it's gonna be the go leave to Atlanta I don't care be a single lonely as nigga (end of flashback) that lying nigga I snapped out and looked at Ziya an said see niggas ain't shit .

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