I smile at the memory, as I block another sword, this one coming a little too close to my face. Shit. I know I need to focus.. but I'm having a hard time doing that. Different memories flash through my mind. Fencing with her, watching her fight, her teasing me. She has a fierceness and confidence about her, especially when she's fighting. She's fiery, but also has a kindness in her as well, cursing like a sailor one minute, sweet the next. 

                  "Come on Russ you can do better than that!" I hear someone shout, and I glance quickly towards the crowd, seeing Kris there, in the third row. I can't help but smile at that. She's right, I can fight better than this. 

                   I concentrate, focusing on the fight more, putting my thoughts to the side, as I quickly finish and win my event.  I quickly make my way through the crowd of people, over to her. I nearly choke on my own spit, at the sight of her in a two piece bathing suit, and I can already feel my face heating up as she laughs. 

                   "What's the matter, never seen a girl in a bikini before?" she laughs, giving me a playful wink as she elbows me in the side. I can feel my face heat up more, though I can't help laughing as well, and smiling at her. She's beautiful, and I'm so freaking screwed. 

                   Before I can say anything, Nero runs over. "You ready? our first round is about to start." He says, grabbing her arm, starting to pull her towards their event. She lets him pull her, and I fight the urge to roll my eyes, as she takes my hand, pulling me along with them. I let her pull me along, until we reach the volleyball court, where I reluctantly let go of her, to go watch from the sidelines. 

                   The match starts, and as I watch both of them play, I have to admit, they are good. Damn good. They set each other's plays up perfectly, and are so in sync it's scary. I feel my heart sink just watching, as I slowly start to get pissed watching them together once again. "Wow they make a beautiful couple, and the work so well together." A couple of girls whisper together in front of me, pointing to Kris and Nero, and I kind of want to throw up. Not very manly, I know. 

                   The next three rounds go smoothly, both of them seemingly playing effortlessly, chatting and laughing as they play. Kris runs backwards, trying to get the ball, in the beginning of the final round, losing her footing, as she falls. "Shit." She exclaims, as she tries to get up, only to fall back down again, not able to stand. I immediately jump up, running to her, and bend down next to her.

                   "Shit. Kris." I say, as I try not to show how panicked i actually am, my heart racing, as I look her over for more injuries.I can feel my hands shaking, and I hope like hell she doesn't notice.

                   "It's just a sprain Russ, I'll be fine. I can't play anymore though." She sighs, running her hand back through her hair as she looks at me. "Shit. We were winning too." She adds, frustrated at the thought of having to forfeit.

                   "Things happen it's not your fault. Here." I say, scooping her up bridal style, before carrying her over to the benches. She looks surprised at first, like she wasn't expecting me to pick her up.

                   "I could have still walked with some help." she says laughing, as I place her down gently on the bench on the sidelines. 

                   I shake my head. "You shouldn't walk on it, until Christopher takes a look at it."

                   "Yea I guess. I wonder if anyone else is done with their events... I hate to quit just because I can't play... we were doing so well. We could continue if someone else partners..." She says, as she glances around, looking for another crew member. She looks so disappointed, and dammit, I can't stand for her to have that look. 

                 Shit. I sigh, before speaking up, knowing I don't really want to do this, but I will for her. "I'll do it." I offer quickly, and she looks at me, baffled.

                "You'll do it?" she asks, her brows furrowing, and I nod. 

                  "I'll play with him... dammit." I say, not quite meeting her gaze. 

                   "Really? Thanks Russ!" she yells, before hugging me, laughing. I smile at her, hugging her back, which that alone might have made having to play with that bastard worth it. 

                   I get up, and go play with Nero, who slightly frowns upon seeing me, but oh well. "Look, she doesn't want to lose. Don't get any ideas, I still don't like you, but I'm doing this for her." I tell him, as we get ready to play the last round together. 

                    He shrugs, and we start playing the last round. At first, it's a disaster, both of us shoving the other out of the way to get to the ball, only making both of us miss, letting the other team rack up some extra points, due to our stubbornness. This happens a couple times, before we finally realize we're screwing up the game. 

                    "We're getting nowhere fast like this. We need to work together if we have any chance at winning." Nero says, and unfortunately, he's right. 

                     I reluctantly agree, and after a few more mishaps, we get into a better rhythm, finally making up for the points we lost, and eventually winning. I hated working with him, but it was worth it, to see the excited look on Kris's face when we won.

                      I run over to her, picking her up carefully, trying to take her back to the ship. "That was great Russ! thanks for playing for me! It was a bumpy start, but you pulled through thanks!" she says, looking at me, and I smile at her enthusiasm, her excitement contagious. 

                     "Yea well. Let's have Chris look at your foot. I'm sorry you got hurt." I say quietly, as we make our way towards the ship. 

                     "I'll be fine. Besides, I still have to participate in the treasure hunt." She answers flippantly, and I chuckle at her, as she tries to play it off like it's nothing. 

                       "I don't think you're going anywhere on this foot Kris."I say, meeting her gaze, and she frowns slightly. 

                       "No, no I have to participate in the treasure hunt Russ, I have to!" she insist, pouting at me. I have to admit, its kinda working, she looks freaking adorable. She might kill me if she knew I was thinking that though.

                        I laugh."Alright, alright. I'll see what I can do. I don't think Chris will want ya to go, but I'll bring ya with me, hell or highwater okay? Even if I have to carry you around." I say, still laughing. 

                       "Yes!!!!" she shouts, wrapping her arms around me as she hugs me to her, as she places a quick kiss on my cheek in her excitement, much to my surprise. "Though I don't think you'll have to carry me." she adds, a blush creeping across her face, as if she just realized what she just did. 

                       "We'll see." I answer, not meeting her gaze, as I try to hide my own flushed face. Damn. I'm in trouble alright. 

A/N: Hi!!! soo here's the first one from the guys point of view!!! I hope I did okay. >.<. I hope I didn't over do the fluffy thoughts... lol... and yea.. I'll also do like more dialog in the treasure hunt chapters, which will be done in the same fashion, like from the guys point of view... anyway.. I hope i did this okay... *Throws you all cookies, then hides behind computer* lol.. anyway, if you can't tell yet, Ive decided you each get your own long chapter!!! yay!! lol.. anyway... thanks for reading, and the next chapter shall be up tomorrow. 




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