The Kiss That Should Have Been

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Emma was super tired, and didn't think she could make it much longer. She yawned, causing John to yawn afterwards, infecting everyone except Mary and Sherlock.

"Are you all tired?" John and Emma nodded their heads while Sherlock shook his.

"John, you go to the back with Emma, Sherlock, get up here", Mary ordered.

The three of them all walked around the car, finding their new spots. Mary would drive, Sherlock was in the passenger seat, and John sat beside Emma. The whole car was dark because they were spying on the house, so the only light came from nearby street lights. This didn't help with their yawning problem. Emma quickly found herself falling asleep.


"Emma... Emma", Sherlock shook her. She woke up in the car, but John and Mary were gone. No. There never was a John or Mary. They were in the cab. Must have been a dream.

"We're here."

"Oh", she giggled, "Sorry."

Sherlock got out of the cab standing behind the door to leave it open for Emma. She got out her wallet to pay the driver.

"You two must love each other a lot", the driver said.

"Why is that?" she handed him the money.

"He's letting you pay!" he laughed.

"Well, it's been two years, so I'm keeping my hopes up."

She got out of the cab. They were in front of Sherlock's flat. "I thought we were..." she looked at Sherlock confused, then stared at her shoes.

Different shoes. A different outfit. What had happened?

"Emma, are you okay?" he put his arm around her waist for support. She felt foreign to the placement of his arm. She started squirming, but that only made him tighten his grasp around her.


"Yes Emma?"

Maybe something happened, maybe Sherlock was just abnormally awkward and weird. Maybe she was just over thinking. She grabbed his hand and got his arm away from her waist, opening the door to 221 B. Mrs. Hudson came out of her room and hugged the both of them.

"How was it?"

"How was what?" Emma asked.

"The date?" Mrs. Hudson stood there expectedly.

"Well, Emma said to the waiter that..."

As Sherlock was talking, Emma walked into Sherlock's flat. There were pictures of the two of them. When were these taken?

"Uhh... Sherlock?"

Sherlock ran up the steps.

"Are you okay? You don't seem like you tonight", he said.

"How do I not seem like me, you're the one that's acting weird. Your arm around my waist? Coming to me as soon as I call? Sherlock, look at you. You're smiling. Smiling. Last time I checked you didn't know how to smile nonetheless have a girlfriend--"

Sherlock leaned in and kissed her to shut her up. After a few seconds of passion from Sherlock and slight squirming from Emma, Sherlock broke the kiss and the silence. "Did I know how to kiss?"

"Ahh!!" Emma woke up in the car with John beside her, Mary in the front, and Sherlock in the passenger. John stared at her concerned, while Mary looked at her like it was not a huge deal but something to ask about and Sherlock looked out the window.

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