Chapter 1

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First, I would like to start by saying thank you for reading. Secondly, I do make some mistakes, and please of you do see something comment please. And lastly I would really appreciate some comments or feedback to know how you are liking the story.

And to add, none of the pictures are mine. I either get them from Pinterest (an absolutely amazing app) or just off the internet. This story is mine and please, no stealing or any of that.

Writing is something I take really serious, and I'm even thinking of becoming a writer for my career, so it really means a lot to me that you take the time to read one of my stories.

I really do hope you enjoy and thanks again for reading!!


I cheered and smiled as the bride and groom kissed. The wedding is beautiful and the bride looks absolutely stunning. Oh and another thing, the wedding is on a boat.

The bride and groom walk down the aisle, and soon the music begins to play and the reception has started. The wedding is one of my like third cousins. She is the bride. I know some people because they are family, but the others I have no idea who they are. I'm just going to assume they are the family of the groom.

Letting my mom know I was going to the bathroom, I grabbed my purse and then began walking. It took about five minutes for me to find it. I looked in the mirror and checked to make sure all of my makeup was okay and my hair too. I'm surprised the wind hasn't messed my wild hair up.

I'm wearing my hair down in loose curls, then I'm wearing a little bit of makeup, but not too much. My dress is reaches just above my knees and it's blue with pink flowers for the details.

Someone knocked on the door and I quickly put away my makeup and opened the door to see a woman who looked like she really had to use the bathroom. I stepped around her and she didn't take too long to close and lock the door to do her business.

I made my way to back to my table and then set my stuff down so I can dance. I walked to the dance floor and someone grabbed my arm. I turned to see my cousin Sarah. She squealed and pulled me into a hug.

"I missed you!" She said.

"I missed you, too!" I hugged back.

"Let's dance!" She dragged me to the middle of the dance floor and we danced for a while. I saw some more of my family and said hello.

It's beginning to get a little too hot for me, so I walked outside to get some air. I didn't forget to grab my purse. Inside is my inhaler, and I always have it with me. When I was a little younger, I had forgotten my inhaler at home one day and everyone in my class was freaking out. It's really hard for me to breathe, and soon I pass out. Now, I carry it with me wherever I go.

I also have makeup, a pair of shorts, t-shirt, and little bit of food. There's many more things in there, and hey, a girl has to do what she has to do. What if I spilled something on myself? The clothes would come in handy in my purse.

I took deep and steady breaths to make sure I'll be okay before going inside. I closed my eyes and took one final breath. I opened my eyes again and looked over to see a guy around my age. He's staring at me and I quickly look away. I open the doors that lead inside and step in.


I danced some more, but decided to take a break and go outside where some people were sitting at some tables. A few people stood and seemed drunk.

I'm sitting alone near the edge of the boat. I squint my eyes because I see something in the distance that might be an island. We got a little closer and I realize it is. I got up from my seat and walked over to where I can get a better view of it. I held onto the railing and I stared in awe. It's a small island, but beautiful to say the least. I can see birds flying above some of the trees.

My observations were interrupted when I felt someone bumped into me from behind. I turned to see a group of drunk people and they were play wrestling and I guess they don't see me here. I tried to move over but they bump into me again and I lose my balance.

Before I could react, I'm in the water and my mouth is filled with the salt water. I kick my feet and push myself so my head is above the water. My vision is blurry, I'm coughing, and I feel like I'm having one of my asthma attacks. I try to grab my bag but it's hard when I have to try and keep myself above the water.

Black dots start appearing and soon the whole world goes black.


How is it so far?
What will happen to olivia?

Wave After WaveOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant