I'd Never Get Over You

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I kiss him again and he cradles my face before stopping and even though I try to pull him back in, he pushes me away.

"Rosie we're sticking to the rules on this one, your rules. You matter to me and I want to do this right," he says softly gently pulling my arms from round his neck. I scowl and he laughs until I end up smiling at him. I get up switching the bolognese off and ladelling some into two bowls. I grab 2 forks and push a bowl to Billie who wrinkles his nose in disgust.

"You will eat this Billie Joe, I know you haven't eaten today," I sit down to mine and he pulls a face.

"You wanna know one of my rules? You can't live off of nothing but coffee and cigarettes, you will eat with me twice a day," I raise my eyebrow and purse my lips to let him know I mean it. He picks up his fork and starts to slowly eat the bolognese. I smile at him.

"Thank you,  otherwise you'll make me feel like a fat bitch," I say and start eating my dinner too.

"Pfft as if, you're just perfect for me," He says matter of factly and I blush. Aww he really is so sweet. As we're eating I replay all the events that have gone by today. I kissed my first boy. I mean I've been kissed by many boys and they've been pushed away but I've never willingly on purpose kissed a boy. It makes me smile and have a little giggle to myself.

"Whats so funny?" Billie asks eager I can see to get in on the joke.

"Its nothing special, just, I kissed my first boy today," I smile shyly and I see him about to get out his chair again, to give me some kind of fuss and settling for a pat on the hand.

"Billie Joe, you don't have to not hug me or give me little kisses," I laugh and he gets up laughing nervously and kisses my cheek. I shake my head, smiling and take our plates away. He ate all of his, yes! I grin heading back to the table and give him a thumbs up.

"You be good for me and I'll be good for you Armstrong," I say and he grins,

"You're already good for me, you just need my badness to balance us out," he says and I roll my eyes. Men. I yawn and stretch, feeling stiff.

"Hey d'you wanna go to bed?" He asks and the first thought in my head is nope! Strange house, strange room in pitch dark that I can't control, on my own? You're asking the wrong gal here Armstrong!

"I'm ok here but if you want to go to bed I understand, I'll just stay and chill a while." He smirks at me and pours me another drink. I take the papers from the middle of the table and start skinning up. I need a bit of nicotine thrown in so I make it half grass, half tobacco taken from one of Billie Joe's cigarettes.

"Rosie, what dyou do? Like your hobbies?" Ugh, really Billie Joe? I better humour him.

"Okay, um I love to draw, doodling is my thing, I like to write, songs, poetry the usual stuff. I also, ugh, if you make fun I will kill you... I also do ballet," I feel a blush burning in my cheeks.

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