"Papa Sean, Daddy said that Doctor Evil is getting her a-penis-citis out. She needs it doesn't she?" Isis looked at me with her little worried eyes.

I couldn't help but laugh. "It's her appendix, and no. It is not a necessary organ. If it gets diseased, then it has to be removed."

"I told you, Ishish. The apendish ish jush not shumpshing we need." Alexander, the tiny brainiac.

Slowly, everyone else was filtering in. I sat Isis down when I saw Sang coming in. Silas was next to her carrying both car-seats. I gave her a quick kiss and took one of the car-seats from Silas, but Violet rushed in and took the one from me, and Cadence took the one from Silas. I mouthed a silent thank you to them. I anticipated my wife's question. "She's in surgery, which I am sure you were aware of. I have no idea what the status is. I am waiting on Doctor Samuels to finish and update. Hopefully, it shouldn't be too long."

Phoenix signed to me, "She was fine last night. Why did this happen so suddenly?"

Signing back, I told him, "The appendix can be diseased for weeks without any pain being felt. It is especially true in children. She fell last night and apparently hit the area on the corner of a desk or something. It was enough pressure to bring the pain to light. I have all the trust in the world in Doctor Samuels."

"I am supposed to leave for a job in the morning; I need to be here with her, and the rest of the family." Phoenix was so worried.

"Let your dad know. He will take care of it. I love you, Phoenix," I signed to him.

Signing right back, "I love you too, Papa Sean," and then going to Kota.

I looked around the waiting room. Every seat was filled with family. Twenty-eight of us in all, at least for the moment. I half expected the Tomas to join us. I could imagine what it would be like when we one day had grand-children. We would need to build a bigger wing for the hospital just for our family to use.

"Doctor Green. DOCTOR GREEN!"

"Huh? What? Oh hi, Shelly."

"Doctor Samuels would like to speak to you please." Shelly turned and walked away.

The whole family was looking at me. "I'll be right back." I kissed Sang on her forehead, and went through the doors that Shelly had disappeared through not a second earlier. Doctor Samuels was waiting for me on the other side.

"The surgery went well. She is going to be in here for at least a week, as I am sure you are well aware. The appendix was ruptured, but the fecal matter had just started to spread. It was able to be cleaned quickly. She will be on a saline/antibiotic drip. She was also dehydrated, which surprised me. Give her about a half hour for us to get her in a room, then you and the family can come in and see her. You know the drill though. Make sure the little ones know about washing hands, and keeping the volume down." Doctor Samuels smiled as he said the last part. The kids knew the rules of the hospital very well.

"Thank you for taking care of my baby girl." I turned to go back out to let the family know how everything went. I swear that when I opened the double door, everyone's face was looking at me. I couldn't help but laugh. I mean, that many faces looking at you with the same expression was hilarious.

Owen finally stopped my laughing. "Don't just stand there, Sean. Please, do tell us about our darling daughter. We're worried."

"I apologize. Surgery went well. They are going to get her into a room, then we can see her. She will be very groggy, so keep our voices down, yadda, yadda," I finished.

Isis shouted, "Good-bye appendix, hello penis!"

North couldn't even keep it together at that comment. Everyone was laughing.

Soon enough, we were up in the third floor waiting room. Sang, Alexander, Xavier, I were going to go back first. Then I would stay back as different members of the family came in small groups.

Walking into the room, I saw the monitors and lights. It brought back the memories of when Sang had Phoenix. That was the last time any of us had to use the hospital to this extent. The boys rushed ahead of us to see their sister.

Xavier looked closely at Emily. After he was satisfied with whatever he was thinking, he turned back to me. "Papa Sean, she looks like Sleeping Beauty. Just uglier."

Alexander was standing on his tippy toes and holding on to the rail trying to make his own judgement, but decided to keep his mouth shut.

There was a small croak of a voice, "I'm not ugly, am I?"

"No, pumpkin. You are not. Do you need something to drink?" She nodded her head at me. Sang beat me to it though. "Nurse Sang, you haven't lost your touch."

"No I haven't. I am a nurse, a mommy, a chef, and all kinds of other titles you wouldn't believe." Sang held a straw up to Emily's lips.

"You were a brave little angel, Emily. You will be in here for about a week then be back home causing mischief again." Sang wiped away the hair that had fallen across her eyes.

The rest of the family took their turns coming in and talking to Emily or just watching her sleep. Soon, it was time for everyone to leave. Phoenix decided to stay overnight at the hospital as the rest of us went home.

Phoenix's POV:

I had just tied the string from Doctor Evil's bed to the watch on my wrist. This way if I fell asleep and she needed anything she could pull on it and I would wake up. I signed to her, "I love you, Doctor Evil. Get some sleep." Then I kissed her on her forehead.

"I love you too, Phoenix. Can you leave the television on?" I signed, "Yes," and made myself comfortable on the recliner. It wasn't long till I was sleeping.

'Oy, son! Use the force!'


'Sorry. I've just always wanted to say that.'

I sat up quickly. What the heck was that? Maybe while I was here, I could get my ears checked. I had never heard a sound in my life. Dreams were made of color, not noises. I looked over at Emily while I was awake, covered her back up, and turned the television off. I was still rattled, so I grabbed my kindle and read for quite a while before I finally fell back out.

Ghost Bird... Do You Hear Me?Book IIWhere stories live. Discover now