
351 9 1

*Junhoe's POV*
I woke up and saw Minra who's still sleeping on the couch.
I walked up to her.
She is just perfect.

"Minra-ah..Wake up. It's already 9pm." As I shook her body.
My face was so closed to her.. I could kiss her if I wanted to..

She opened her eyes slowly.

Minra:*pushed JuNe's face away*
Junhoe:What is that for?!
Minra:Why are you so closed to me?!
Junhoe:I was trying to wake you up!
Minra:You don't have to be that close!
Junhoe:Why can't I?*moves closer to Minra*
Minra:Goo Junhoe..
Junhoe:Yess *moves closer*

She pushed me away,gets up slowly and went to the bathroom before coming down..

Haaiissshhh GooJune!

Here we go again!
Can Chanwoo stop talking to Minra?

Chanwoo:*puts hand on Minra's shoulder*Good Morning~~
Jinhwan:Yah! Jung Chanwoo! Help me with these would you?!

Jinhwan hyung saved the day!
As Chanwoo went to help Jinhwan hyung with the breakfast, I took a sit beside Minra..

She moved her chair a bit..
Is she avoiding me?
Just because of that incident?!
You gotta be kidding me.

I moved closer..
Well she moved further..

"Can you stop?!"
All eyes are on me..
Minra was a bit shocked.

Yunhyeong:Stop what?
Jinhwan:Breakfast served!
Chanwoo:Enjoy~~ *sits beside Minra*

Do you have to sit beside her Jung Chanwoo? Do you?

I left the table and went up to my room. Well 'our' room.

*Minra's POV*

Oh my gawd! I need to laugh!
Gosh! Teasing JuNe was fun!
But..Now he's mad...
Great job Jung Minra!


Jinhwan:What the hell happened?
Hanbin:He looks mad.
Bobby:He looks frustrated.
All:*all eyes on Minra*
Yunhyeong:Did anything happened?
Minra:What happened?
Chanwoo:Between you and Junhoe hyung. Did something happened?
Minra:Nothing happened.
Donghyuk:Are you sure?
Jinhwan:Okay then..After this,Minra could you help me with the dishes? I'm going to talk to JuNe.
Minra:Yess Sir!

They finished their breakfast and Minra does the dishes while the others are in the living room playing games.

Jinhwan went up to Junhoe's room and knocked.

He went in and saw Junhoe sitting on the bed.

Jinhwan:*sits in front of him* Yah! You alright?
Jinhwan:So why did you shout? And to whom?
Junhoe:I was frustrated.
Junhoe:Minra seems like she's avoiding me..
Jinhwan:Did something happened?
Junhoe:I almost kissed her.
Jinhwan:Full story please.
Junhoe:*tells the whole story* and now she's avoiding me.
Jinhwan:Of course you idiot! She feels uncomfortable by the way you treat her..
Junhoe:I'm trying to win her back.
Jinhwan:That's not the right way.
Junhoe:Then? What should I do?
Jinhwan:Go downstairs. Apologize for your actions. She's washing the dishes. Go and help her.
Junhoe:Thank you hyung!

*Junhoe's POV*

I walked to the kitchen and saw Minra washing the dishes.

Thank god she's alone.
Easier to talk to..

I walked towards her..

Junhoe:Need help?
Minra:Not really.
Junhoe:May I?
*awkward silence*
Junhoe:Sorry for the way I woke you up..I know that you're uncomfortable with that kind of things..Mian mian..
Minra:*laughs*Oh my gawd Junhoe!
Minra:*teary eyes* I was just teasing you idiot!
Junhoe:You what?!
Minra:*laughs like an idiot*
Junhoe:You lil piece of shit! *throws water at her*
Minra:Hey! I am all wet now!
Junhoe:Now you look like an idiot! Hahhahahaha!
Minra:*throws water at Junhoe* Payback bitch!
Jinhwan:I asked you to wash the dishes not wash both of you!! *hands on his waist*
Junhoe:Mian mian Myanmar~
Minra:Sorry sorry sorry sorry~
Jinhwan:Go and change your clothes! We're leaving soon!
Junhoe:Where are we going?
Jinhwan:*tip toed and flicks Junhoe's head* Jiwon and Hana's wedding rehearsal!
Minra:Oh yeah~
Jinhwan:Now go change!

We run upstairs and changed our clothes.

*in the bedroom*
*Minra's POV*

[Nothing bad happened okay so don't be dirty minded... p/s: RUN is playing! OMG PARK JIMIN! CHIM CHIM! AARRRAAFFGGGHH. okay I'll continue]

I'm still laughing and I felt someone knocked my head.

Minra:Yah! What is that for?
Junhoe:For teasing me.
Minra:You should see you face tho! Oh I'm crying..
Minra:Bitch is a female dog. Dog bark. Bark are on trees. Trees is in our nature. Nature is beautiful. Thank you for calling me beautiful indirectly. I know I am.
Junhoe:I need to vomit .

*Jinhwan knocked*

We opened the door and saw Jinhwan oppa with his arm crossed.

We smiled and ran downstairs..

I walked towards Chanwoo and clings my arm on his..

He smiled and whispered "let's go and make my hyung jealous"

I nodded and leaves the house..

I know.. that Junhoe is watching our movement..

Jelly Junhoe.
I should call him that..
Jelly Junhoe~~

Instagram update:

(A pic of Chanwoo back hugging Minra with his chin on her shoulder.)

Caption: Partner in crimes.
Tag: jminra

jminra:Aww look at us.. Why are you standing like a giraffe?
chanuuj:Because you're short! jminra
jminra:You're 10cm taller than me so shut up. jijinhwan
dongiihyuk:Ouch...What should I name the both of you? Here we go again..
jijinhwan:Shut up.
kimspongebab: Yeobo.. Ask your brother to staph.
yunhiyong: MinWoo?
dongiihyuk: yunhiyong ChanRa.
goojune: *facepalms*
michanb.i: Someone stop them please.
minsena:Jung Couple. yunhiyong dongiihyuk
yunhiyong: Jung Couple?
dongiihyuk: Jung Couple it is! minsena Seriously you too?
minsena: Whut?
kimspongebab: *facepalms*
chanuuj: Jung Couple~~ jminra
jminra: Jung Couple~
jminju: She's mine chanuuj.

*Junhoe's POV*

She's mine. One and Only.


School started so yeah....
Peace out?
뿌잉 뿌잉~~

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