Special Chapter (Bobby's Birthday)

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It's 21 December.
Bobby's birthday...

*Hana's POV*
Aaarrggghhh..It's only 7.00a.m...Why did I wake up so early?

It wasn't the alarm that woke me up,it was on of reminders..

It says..

~Jiwon Oppa's Birthday❤~

Suddenly my phone rang,
It was Bobby...

I had this evil smile on me..How about a birthday prank?

I picked the phone..

Bobby:Annyeong~~ Mwohae?
Hana:I just woke up.
Bobby:Do you want to go out today? Today is a very special day you know...
Hana:Yeah..Sure..I'll get ready...

I hung up and start laughing..
Wiping off my fake tears and went in the bathroom to get ready..

I wore a white shirt with a spongebob character on it with a ripped black jeans and a pair of white converse.

I went down and wait for Bobby to arrive..

*Bobby's POV*
It's my birthday~~
I woke up early so I decided to call my girlfriend Hana..

Hana:I just woke up.
Bobby:Do you want to go out today? Today is a very special day you know...
Hana:Yeah..Sure..I'll get ready...

She sounds so plain..
Did she forgot what day is today?
I hope not..

I went up from my bed and get dressed..

Then..I drove my car to Hana's house..

When I arrived at her house,I honked and she went out from the house..

She went in the car and greeted me with a peck on my cheeks..

Hana:So...where are we going?
Bobby:Let's go food hunting!
Hana:Let's go!

Silence continues between both of us...
Did she really forgot my birthday?
She's ignoring me..

Then my phone starts ringing,I asked Hana to help me since I'm driving..
She puts on the earpiece and answers the call..

Bobby:In the car..Why?
Jinhwan:I know you're on the car but where?Are you near the agency?
Bobby:I'm 5 minutes away from the agency..Why?
Jinhwan:We have to practice today.The president are coming to see our performance..
Bobby:But we're having our day off..
Jinhwan:I know..Manager hyung just told me..Hurry up and get your ass here..
Bobby:But its my-
Jinhwan:I know it's your birthday..Just come here quick!

Jinhwan hyung hung up and I started to sigh..

Hana:Who was it?
Bobby:Jinan hyung..
Hana:What did he say?
Bobby:He asked me to get my ass back at the studio and practice...The president wanted to see our performance..
Hana:Owh...Nevermind,we can go out some other time..
Bobby:Mianhae Hana-ah..

I feel bad for her..

*Hana's POV*
Oh My God!
This is too funny!
I feel like bursting out laughing!

Oh gosh!
Sorry babe..It's just we wanted to surprise you that's all..

I was waiting for Bobby to arrive when I got an idea..

I took out my phone and made a new messenger group..

Group Title:KimBab Birthday
Members:Jinhwan oppa,Yunhyeong oppa,Donghyuk oppa,Junhoe,Chanwoo,Hanbin oppa,Jungmin oppa,YoonSena,JungMinra.

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