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Ig update:

(A picture of Minra and Jungmin hugging.)

Caption:I'm happy to see you babe ❤

jminju:Same Here Babe❤
jijinhwan:Someone's gonna be jealous.
dongiihyuk:Why is he hugging Minra?
yunhiyong:Is Minra cheating on goojune with him?
goojune:dongiihyuk yunhiyong None of your business.
jminra:dongiihyuk yunhiyong Stop. I missed him already! Miss you too boo!
minsena:jminju How bout me?
jminju:minsena I miss you too! Finally get meet the both of you yesterday! Wished we could spend time together soon ❤
jminra:jminju It's your first day of school tomorrow.I bet you missed studying in korean. minsena Guess where he's going?
jminju:jminra minsena Yours!

*Jungmin's POV*
It's 7.I'm gonna be late! It's my first day of school and where the hell is Minra?

"Jung Minra!We're going to be late!"I shouted as I saw her walking down the stairs.
"Dude.Chill.School starts at 8."
Wow.Okay.I'm a bit shocked.
"In Malaysia,school starts at 7."I said and she stare at me like I'm some sort of weirdo. "What?"
"It's 6 am now in Malaysia.Don't you remember that Korea is 1 hour early?"
I nodded and gave Minra a stupid smile.
"Let's go" I looked up and saw Junhoe walking down.
"I need caffeine"Minra said and grabbed Junhoe's hand leaving me behind.
These lovebirds.
"Yah!Wait for me!"I grabbed my school bag and ran towards them.

*in the car*
Jinhwan was driving the car,on the passenger's sit is Jungmin while Minra and Junhoe are at the back..
"Hey JuNe,when is your birthday?"Jungmin asked and Junhoe replied coldly "31st march."
"So I'm older than you."
Jungmin continues.
"You should-" just before Jungmin could finish his sentence,Minra went and cut him "Don't even think that he'll be calling you hyung."
Junhoe just smirk at Minra's statement.

They arrived at Starbucks and Minra went in with Jinhwan,leaving Junhoe and Jungmin in the car.While waiting for them they had some serious conversation after a moment of awkward silence.

Jungmin:Hey Junhoe.I need to ask you something.
Junhoe:Go ahead.
Jungmin:Do you really love her?
Junhoe:I do and I will forever.Why?
Jungmin:Nothing,it's just that I saw that she changed a bit.She's a bit polite than she used to be.I like seeing you guys together.
Junhoe:Thanks.Now,straight to the point.
Jungmin:Well,this is her first time in a serious relationship.You guys are serious right?
Jungmin:Can you do me a favor?
Jungmin:Take good care of her.I've known her for 3 years,I know her well.Eventho she have this bitchy attitude,but she is soft hearted.
Junhoe:She do.
Jungmin:Yeah..So if you ever make her cry,I will haunt you down and I'm serious.
Junhoe:Don't worry.I will never make Minra cry.I promise.

They've reached their destination.Suddenly,they saw Hana crying.
Minra ran to Hana and asked what happened.
Sena saw both of them and asked is everything's alright.She saw Hana was crying and hugged her while Minra is still trying to calm her.
"He cheated."
Sena and Minra was shocked.

*Hana's POV*
It's 7.30. Where the hell is everyone?
I walked down the hall to my locker,took out a few books and went back to class.
That's KimBab!
Who is he with?
Why is she hugging him?
Did she just kissed him?!
Why is he shocked to see me? Is he cheating?

*Bobby's POV*
"Hey Bobby."I turned around and saw Minah(my ex).
Gosh this bitch.
"What do you want?"
She hugged me and said that she missed me alot.
Miss me my ass.You cheated on me.Slut.
"Babe,are you still mad at me?"I gave her a glare and she suddenly kissed me.
On my freaking lips.
I saw her.I saw Hana.
I need to chase after her.
"Don't go after her.You deserved better."Minah said while grabbing my hand.
"She is better.Better than you."I took her hand of me and start to search for Hana.
Babe.Where are you?

[Flashback ends]
"Stop crying babe."Sena said while holding Hana's hand.Minra wiped Hana's tears and said "You look ugly when you cry."Hana glared at Minra and started to smile."Tell me one specific person who looks good when they are crying."Hana said,making all three of them laugh.
After talking for a while they heard someone screaming Hana's name.It was Bobby.
Bobby saw Hana and ran straight to her.
Hana's tears starts to fall.
She gets up from the place she was sitting and went straight to class.
"Hana!"Bobby shouted.
"Let her cool down.She's still in shock."Sena said while patting on Bobby's shoulder.
"Be patience."Minra said leaving him to tears.

"That bitch"Bobby mumbled.

"Hey,you guys go first.I need some time on my own."Hana said to her classmates.She smiled and walks away.

*At the canteen*
Chanwoo,Sena and Minra sat down with the rest of the members and of course the new student Jungmin.
"Where's Hana?"
The question that made Bobby felt a bit guilty.

"She needs some time on her own"Sena said.

Jinhwan:KimBab.Did you guys fought?
Donghyuk:And then why did my little sister cried just now?!
Jinhwan:Donghyuk,let Jiwon explain.
Bobby:*explains everything*
Junhoe:That bitch.
Yunhyeong:That slut.
Hanbin:What does she want from you?Gosh I hate her.
Sena:Her?Who?Do we know 'her'?
Chanwoo:Jiwon hyung's ex girlfriend.
Minra:Go on.
Junhoe:Lee Minah.The same age as Jiwon hyung.
Hanbin:Jiwon's ex girlfriend.She cheated on him.
Sena:And when is this?
Hanbin:Way before Hana and Jiwon hyung became a couple.
Sena:Did Hana know about this?
Donghyuk:Because he don't want his past effects his love life with Hana.
Yunhyeong:All of us know except for the three of you.
Chanwoo:and Jungmin hyung.
Jinhwan:So what exactly this girl wants from you?
Jungmin:So this Minah girl.She did this to break you guys up.She was wrong.
Junhoe:Gosh I just hate her.Ugh.
Sena:Let us talk to Hana bout this.
Minra:Yeah.Girls talk.
Bobby:Sure.Thanks for understanding me.
Sena:It's okay.

*school ends*
Bobby waits for Hana infront of the school. He ran to her when he saw her walking past the entrance.
"Let me walk you back."he said while grabbing Hana's hand.
"I can walk back by my own.Thanks."Hana said coldly leaving Bobby in tears.

*Hana's POV*
"I can walk back by my own.Thanks."I said leaving Bobby.
As I walked down the streets to my house,a few guys walks towards me.
"What do we have here?"one of the guys smirked and push me down.
Ouch!!My leg!!
Bobby.That's all I could think.
They started to come closer.
"Get away from her."
That's Bobby's voice.
"Look what we have here.The boyfriend."the man said.
Bobby went to them and punched on of them.
"You lil son of a bitch."
One of them started to punch Bobby.
I screamed for help.
A few minutes later,the police came and arrested the guys.
We followed them to the police station to file a report.

After filling the informations,we were free to go.
Bobby decided to walk me back.
"Get on."he said while squatting infront of me.
I guess he knows that I hurt my feet.
"Don't be stubborn and get on."he said pulling my hands.

*arrived at Hana's house*
*Bobby's POV*
That was awkward.
I knocked on the door and Mrs.Kim opened it.
"Omo!Jiwon-ah!What happened?"I could see that she was very shocked.
"Omma.Let them in first."Donghyuk said.
When we got in,Mrs.Kim leads us to the kitchen and prepared dinner.After eating dinner we told them the whole story.They were shocked.
"Jiwon-ah.Thank you."Mrs.Kim said while hugging me.I smiled and nods.
"You look tired,you should sleep here."Mr.Kim said.
I nodded and thanked them.
"Jiwon-ah,Hana's leg still hurts.Don't you mind bringing her up to her room?"
I nodded and carried Hana (bridal style) to her room.

I lay her down on her bed and sits beside her.
"You okay?"I asked her.
She nods and took a first aid kit in one of her drawer.
She comes closer and starts to treat the wounds on my face.
As she was treating it,tears starts to fall down her cheeks.
"Hey,hey,don't cry."I said wipping her tears off.
"I'm sorry about that thing at school."I continue.
"No.It's okay.Sena and Minra told me everything."she said holding my hands.
"I'm sorry for leaving you at school.If I know this would happen,I-"just before she could finish her sentence I hugged her..Tightly.."It's not your fault.Don't blame it on you babe."
I let go of the hug and kissed her.
"It's late.Go to sleep.I have school tomorrow."I said while putting a pillow under her leg.
"How bout me?I have school too."she said confusingly.
"No.You don't.You need to rest your leg."I gave Hana a last kiss and closed the door.
I went inside Donghyuk's room and saw him sleeping.
I took a place beside him and sleeps.


Broken Heart (COMPLETED✔✔)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang