Is That the Planet...?

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V: *proceeds to write Kylo Ren fan fiction*

Alicandra: *plays Skyrim* Veee!

V: Wat?

Alicandra: Is one of da thingys in the sky da planet?!

V: Wait wut?

Alicandra: There are two thingys in the sky. Is one of them the planet?

V: No, u r on da planet, Mundas. No, wait. Nirn. Yeah, dat's the planet's name! Nirn!

Alicandra: Juss c'mere and see!

V: *walks up, and looks* No, sis- those are the moons.

Alicandra: But why are there two of them? And why is one bigger than the other?

V: Because the creaters of the game wanted it that way. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a Kylo Ren fan fiction to write. *turns, to walk away.*

Alicandra: Nuuuu! *grabs V's wrist* Help meh wiff Skyrim!

V: Nu, sis! Lemmeh go!

Alicandra: No... stay and play Skyrim with meh!

V: Fine... *looks at foozeball table* HEY! That's where my belt for school went! :D

Alicandra: Omg, this would be a great story for that book you're writing, V! The Book of Stupidity, right?

V: Erhmahgerd Yass! Lol!

Jan. 31, 2016
Aaaand that's how this story came to be! I'm dead serious, me and my sister did all that in real life right before I wrote this! Lol!
And, yes. I am writing a Kylo Ren fan fiction. Shameless.
I luv Star Wars! X3 And Skyrim, and Halo, *rambles on about favorite stuff*

I decided to put the date of when I wrote this, cuz some of u might be wondering when this happened.
Plus, I do not have da wifi where I live.
Please excuse meh, while I throw a tantrum now...
But it does tick me off, cuz I can't publish as soon as I want. :/
Anyway, see ya in da next chapter!


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