"What about Felisha being goddess," Diana asked.

"She is that's all I know and Alaine is related to her somehow." Webster said.

"You sure you not messing with us?" I asked

"Would I?" he grin at us as Uncle Harry retire from the room with a sigh. Something was off about him lately what was he hiding?.

I couldn't sleep, I twist, I turn and groan sleeping was difficult. I couldn't get my mind off Felisha. I wanted to know if she's ok or If she would accept my apology for the way I acted and treated her.

I sat up bursting in sweat, the night was cool, yet I was burning up. I pulled the cover off and got up to look out the window just in time to see a familiar black van drive in. I watch has the Harry guy along with Alaine and Uncle Ben waited by the porch. Her beautiful intoxicating scent erupt in the air as I watch Xavier lift her sleeping form, from out of the vehicle and carried her to the house. My wolf was ragging on the inside as he snap colour full words to me of how stupid I was and how I made our mate hate us.

I must admit, I'm hurt deeply. I couldn't understand how our bond was visible yet she wasn't throwing her emotions at me. 'That's what happened when you reject a mate their emotions toward our us become void' My wolf growl. I felt our sparks earlier when we touch but it didn't seemed to faze her. She was different but a rare kind of different.

| | | | |

I woke up to an upbeat music playing as Carina growl annoyed from the left side of the bed.

"Will you shut that crap off," she shouted sleepy.

"It isn't me," I said snap getting out of the bed as she did too and stomp her way into the bathroom as I head towards the window to see everyone doing exercise, Do they do this every morning?.

"You got to be fucking kidding me," Carina growl pulling on a miniskirt and tank top as I saw Xavier walks out with Felisha on his back and his daughter on the front of him as they laugh. He both let them down as they head toward the moving crowd.

"I'm going shut them down," Carina growl as I glance and saw Joe and Sean in the midst. I heard the front door slam before I sprint out the door towards Carina who was half way across as I limp way rapidly as I could toward them.

"Will you shut this crap off I'm trying to sleep," Carina shouted loudly causing everyone to ignore her and continue their routine of musical excersie. I watch as Carina huff and stomp her foot annoyed and angry.

I couldn't control myself as my gaze landed on my mate, Felisha. I watch as she dance swaying her hips and kicking out her legs. Her coconut, pineapple scent filled my nostril causing my wolf to whimper. I was so caught up in watching her, I didn't notice that Uncle Ben was standing before with his arms crossed along his chest. I shift my gaze took in his appearance and for some odd reason he looks familiar but I couldn't pick out where I knew him from.

"What is your reason of been here Alpha Ashen?" he asked causing everyone to stop and glare in my direction.

"I would like to talk to my m- to the Alpha," he stumbled with his words.

"She doesn't want to talk to you," Xavier growl joining Uncle Ben as he glare at me causing my wolf to surface. I was the only one to be protective of her. Her only mate!

"I'm sure she talks and I prefer to ear it from her," I growl back stepping forward.

"She doesn't!" he growl stepping forward as I watch his brown eyes flicker to black.

"Xavier!" I heard my mate beautiful voice called to the bastard. I watch as she pulled on his arm, he stumbled back wrapping his arm around her as she glance in my direction before walking towards the pack house.

So she really didn't have any effect from my presence. I was just about to walk away when a scream sounded from the forest causing Felisha to rush out in full speed, a speed that we wolf does possessed.

I rush behind her to find that a pack member was laying on the grass with blood spurting from his leg that was bitten off. I notice that Felisha was dress in a long she gown that fits her gorgeous body perfect, I also notice she pouch with arrows in it. I watch she help the woman up as I push forward and help her. We carry her back to the open to see aAlaine dress in the same suit.

"Felisha it's a trick!" she growl pulling her sword out as all of a sudden the woman we had grip Felisha by the neck and throw her into the tree bark.

I watch as the woman turn into a beautiful young girl dress in a smiliar suit as Felisha and Alaine. What the hell is going on? I wondered as I step back.

"What are you doing here?" Alaine growl at the girl as Felisha spurt up and came beside Alaine.

"Who are you ?" my mate asked questionly.

"She's not what you think," Alaine said loudly with disgust driping from her tone.

"You survive, I thought we killed you.." she mumbled pulling her dagger out.

"We both know that you can't just kill a goddess like that Jacline," Alaine said annoyed glaring at her as I notice Alaine sword glisten as Felisha reach for her arrows that was shimmering more brightly and the older woman own dagger too. What kind of goddess are these women?.

"Leave now!" Alaine shouted almost in an Alpha tone, spinning her sword as I notice a black snake running around her wrist hissing.

"I need to official meet the Alpha," she smirk stepping forward and before I knew it an arrow landed in her forehead causing Jacline to vanish swiftly within the air.

"There will be more," Alaine said turning towards the pack house as my gaze landed on Felisha who stood there dress in her sher outfit similar to Alaine.

The Goddess & Her Pack  [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now