Chapter 8

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I almost dropped my pretzel.

"Oh my god, Who the hell do you think you are. I almost dropped my pretzel."

"Are you ok Pretzi" i say to the Pretzel. Yeah i'm weird like that don't judge me.

"Haha. Is this seat taken. i'm really tired and all the seats are taken so.."

The guy who almost threw my pretzel said with a deep voice

"um..No but who are you and you could just stop using the fake ass deep voice because nobody is buying it?"

The guy was wearing an oversized hoodie and some black glasses.

Who wears glasses at the mall?

He sounds so Familiar.

He took a seat and said," Hey, um have i met you before you look familiar?"

"I don't think so. I would remember you?"

" Well everyone knows me so. Maybe your Just a Fan i met, Whatever."

" Just a Fan?" What a jerk

"OK i will take My sunglasses off but just Don't scream ok."

" Well if you're gonna murder me or rape me then ya i might scream."

"Haha no i won't do that but just promise me you won't scream ok." He chuckled.

"i Can't Promise Anything. Now tell me who you are?"

" I'M Justin" He took of just his glasses for a solid 3 seconds.

Justin Bieber ugh Just my luck.

"Why aren't you screaming?" He said confused.

Wow just as i said before he's a Jerk.

" What?"

" Why aren't you screaming, i just told you i'm Justin Bieber?"

" I Don't care. You can be The Queen Elizabeth and i will still not scream. Plus i'm not a big fan of you."

I say getting up but he grabs my arm.

"You are not a fan"

"don't touch me" I saw pulling my arm away from him.

"NO, and if i was, i would change my mind because you thought being a fan of you and meeting you was no big deal and you think everyone is a Beliver or whatever you call it, so no thank you, because you are a jerk and I would not like to be a fan of someone like you."

" It's Beliebers and i do care about them. I'm just having a bad day today."

" Well that makes two of us"

" Why?"

"That's none of your business"

"Come on you don't have to be mean to me. I want to get to know you."

"And why's that?"

"Because you know who I am, and you are not screaming and asking me to take a picture with you"

"Alright but I'm not screaming because I'm not fan"

"I know, but can you sit down so you can tell me what happened" He takes off his glasses and look directly at me.

Those beautiful hazel eyes that I fell for 5 years ago are looking at me . It's like he has a spell on me so I can trust him.

And I'm falling for those beautiful hazel eyes again, so I give up and sit next to him.

I sigh,"Well i came to buy outfits for your concert."

"So you are a fan"

"NO and i came because my Best Friend loves you, and i didn't want to upset her by not going"

" Are you sure you aren't a fan not even a Belieber?"

" Didn't you hear me. N-O, NO and if you'll excuse me i have to go meet my friend" i say standing up and grabbing my pretzel

"Hey i didn't catch your name?....Pretzel Girl"

"Good. Because I didn't throw it at you." I walk away annoyed.

I got to the Camera Store and i found Violet outside the store.

"Hey" i say while she turns around.

"Where were you i've been here waiting for you for like an hour."

"Not even an hour you are overreacting and you could've called me"

"I DID!"

"oh really" i check my phone and she was right i had 7 missed calls from Violet oops.

"You did, sorry i probably had it on silent."

"Whatever and you didn't get me a pretzel wow" she pointed at my half eaten pretzel i had.

" Oh ya sorry i Forgot because i lost track of time"

" Nooo really, lol now let's go buy me a pretzel"

We leave to buy a pretzel.

I just hope justin isn't there.

"Luna what's wrong are you looking for someone?"

"What. Oh no it's just that I'm trying to find a place where we can sit, but it's full"

"Oh um if you say so. Let's get in line. Are you gonna want another one?"

"Is that even a question of course I will"

We start laughing. We order our pretzels and head home.

How am I gonna tell violet I spoke to Justin but he didn't recognize me.

Hours later

I went to my bathroom and took a long hot shower.

When I was done I put on my volleyball shorts and a bra.

Yeah I sleep like that.

I hope I could tell violet about today.

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