Chapter 3 - Them

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I don't walk very far before I stop. I am a despicable human being. I'm letting some little girl starve to death.

But he was lying. Don't forget, he was lying. He was lying so he could lure you to his hideout where all his horny friends are and something bad would happen to you. He was lying. Right?

Ugh. So I turn around and follow him. It takes me a little while to find him again. Basically all I had to do was go back to the stump he sat on, and follow the trail of crushed underbrush.

It worked, too, because pretty soon, I'm watching him from a distance.

The first place he goes is to a hollow log, where he pulls out a rifle, a pistol, and some more knives.

Then he heads into a deserted small town. It's getting lighter out. And now that we're in the town I have to be extra careful not to be seen. There aren't any trees to hide behind here.

I watch from behind a car across the street as he enters a good-sized house with a swing in the front of it. I look up at an upstairs window and see a small, pale face. The sister. Or a prisoner of him and his horny friends.

There's a store down the street a ways, and I decide I'll go get some 9mm bullets for my Glock before doing anything rash.

I told you that I have a large amount of dumb luck. I find plenty of bullets, reload my gun, stuff some in my backpack, and head back to the car to hide behind and spy on Shaggy's house in the growing dawn.

"Okay," I whisper to myself, "You're gonna go to the door, and knock, and stick the gun in whoever-opens-the-door's face. And you'll give food to the sister...or prisoner, then leave."

So across the street I go. Knock, knock, knock. Deep breath.

I hear footsteps inside. Up goes the Glock. The door opens. Back goes the slide. A tall guy with fiery red hair stands in front of me, and he, too, has a gun raised.

Did I get the wrong house? Ugh, even after a freakin' zombie apocalypse I can't get normal stuff right. I mean, there was this one time back in – arrggh! Focus!

"What?" He says gruffly.

"I have food," I say, still keeping my Glock aimed at his head.

He gives me an odd look, tilts his head to look at the backpack, "Seth, you know her?"

And in comes Shaggy. He stares at me for a minute before saying, "We've met." His face is bruised, but clean now.

"Will you get the gun out of my face now?" I ask.

"I will if you will." The tall guy says.

"You first." I say, holding the Glock tighter.

"Not a chance," He says, his eyes glaring at me.

Seth tells me to come in.

The tall guy and I are still both staring each other in the eyes as we slowly lower our weapons. He moves over just enough for me to walk in. I step over the threshold. The house is practically bare of furniture. There's a backpack over in a corner, a few paper grocery bags, and a chair. That's all.

I hear the door shut behind me and glance back. The tall guy stands between me and the door. Great.

Seth disappears upstairs. Oh great, Wynne, look what you've gone and done! You've gotten yourself captured by two or more horny guys, and they're going to bring their other prisoner downstairs so that something bad can happen. Great. I'm the smartest girl in the world.

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