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"I thought I told you to wear your high heels today."

"I am wearing them!"

As Weiss and Neptune strolled into the museum, they were surprised at the crowd gathering in front of the new exhibit. They made their way slowly through the crowd and flashed their VIP passes, letting them slide behind the red velvet barrier much earlier than the rest.

"You guys made it!" A soft voice rang from the other end of the exhibit.

"We wouldn't miss this for the world, Velvet." Neptune said, extending his arm for Velvet to take.

Velvet passed by Neptune's offered handshake and brought Weiss into a comfy embrace, before turning and doing the same to Neptune.

"So, what caused you to take up painting in the first place?" Weiss asked, storing her pass in her purse.

"Well, I was at a park in Central Vale one afternoon, and I saw a man on the sidewalk with an easel. He was painting the sunset, and it looked just as beautiful in the picture as in real life." Velvet explained.

"Oh yeah, is he the guy that preaches about how art preserves the beauty of nature? The one with the long black hair?" Neptune asked, scratching his head.

"That would be the one!" Velvet giggled, turning towards the entrance with a slight gasp. "Are all of these people here to see my works?"

"That they are, Velv-erino!" A familiar voice called from behind them. The three turned to see a blonde Faunus walk into the room.

"Sun! I told you to look nice!" Velvet pouted, putting on her puppy-dog eyes. "Can you please wear the tuxedo I rented for you?"

"But it's all scratchy and tight!" Sun argued, but in a matter of minutes he was standing there wearing the tuxedo anyways.

"Well, I guess this is it. In five minutes, the exhibit will open!" Velvet exclaimed, jumping up and down excitedly.

Velvet and Sun took their places, as Neptune and Weiss made their way towards the refreshments. The clock struck noon and the red velvet barrier was lifted, the crowd slowly moving their way into the exhibit.

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