Chapter 3: The curse

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"Is this.....blood" I looked at my bloody hands in disgust. "What the hell....." Rachel said, staring at me in fear. I was shaking, looking over at the dead body of the intruder. "I'm calling the cops" Rachel said, grabbing her phone and dialing 911. The cops arrived and we explained what happened. The cops left, taking the body with them. I sat on my bed looking down and my blood stained hands. Rachel paced back in forth. "Explain." She said. I didn't bother to look at her. "Everything started on August 19th. I was coming home from a party..."
"Yo Lance, you should head back home. Its getting late dude." One of my friends said. I was drunk and confused. "Alright bro, I'll head home." I laughed. I walked outside and got in my car and started it up. I didn't live that far so, driving shouldn't be that bad.
I drove home without getting caught. I forgot my family were visiting over the weekend, so their car was in the driveway. I got out of my car and walked to the door. It was wide open. I walked in the house slowly. "Mom?....Dad?" I called out to my parents. I started to panic slightly, as I get no response from them. I walk into the house calling for them again. "Erica......James?" I called out my siblings. Still no response. I walk into the living room, seeing the TV screen was completely shattered. I looked down at the floor and gasped. My parents.......dead? I couldn't control my tears. I began to cry and scream for my parents to wake up. Knowing this new information, I start run around the house looking for my brother and sister. I yell their names praying for a response. I run upstairs and notice that my brother's door was wide open. I slowly walked to the door and looked inside. I gagged at what I saw and turned away, crying even harder. "That sickening smell....." I said to myself as I crawled away from the door. I cried while looking for my sister. I couldn't imagine what had happened to her. I see the hallway bathroom. The lights are on. I walk towards the door slowly, my heart felt like it was going to burst out of my chest. I open the door and peeked inside. There she was, my sister, sitting in a blood filled bathtub......her eyes.....they are gone. I drop to my knees holding my chest tightly. This pain I felt was horrible. I cried until I threw up. I sat on the bathroom floor crying and called 911.
Once the police arrived, I just sat on my porch wrapped in a blanket and shaking at what I saw. I went through therapy shortly after the incident, but that didn't help. Once I stopped going to the therapist, the nightmares started.....
Rachel stared at me, almost in tears at what she just heard. I didn't look at her, I just sat on my bed silently. "Why didn't you tell me?"she asked. "I thought you wouldn't believe me" I replied, speaking lowly. She sighed and sat next to me. I flinched a little, but I hugged back. She rubbed my back, "I believe you Lance......and I want to help you" she said smiling. I faintly smiled back. She sighed and softly chuckled, "Well I think you should get washed up. Today has been a long day for the both of us." She said walking to her room. I looked at my blood soaked clothes. She was right, I do need to clean up. I got up and hopped in the shower. After my shower and got in bed. I knew that I was tired, but I was afraid to go to sleep. I sighed and just decided to go for it. I found my comfort spot and snuggled into it, until I fell asleep.
What felt like a few minutes, felt like hours now. I wake and rub my eyes only to find myself in a black distorted room. 'Where the hell am I?' I said to myself. I looked around. Everything was disturbingly deformed. I walked around, looking at the twisted faces of everyone and the unrecognizable objects they held. I push through I bunch of people or deformed beings. I see a faint light up ahead, so I walk to it. Under that light was a picture. I picked up the picture examining it closely. 'This is the cruise me and my parents went on' I said, concentrating on the picture. I look up and noticed the scenery changed. Everything was full of color and life.
I looked at my clothes. I was wearing shorts and a tank top, with my mother's shades on. I then noticed that I was on a cruise ship. "What the-" "Lance? Where are you?" My voice was cut off by the sound of my mother speaking. She turned around the corner and laughed.  "There you are, now give me back my shades, the sun is hurting my eyes" she chuckled walking towards me. My face beamed with joy and I just wanted to leap into her arms. As I walked towards her, the sky turned dark. I look up and watched as a black liquid pours down. 'This isn't rain..' I said I looked at my mother, who was now standing in front of me. She was no longer smiling. She was wearing the same clothes that she died in. I back away from her as she glares at me. Everything around was turning black. It felt like I was being consumed by the darkness. I screamed as I couldn't see anymore.
I jumped gasping for air at what I just saw. I look around. I'm still inside my room. I sigh laying down. The fear I felt lingered and I held my legs up to my chest.
"That dream felt so real....."
---------------------------------------------------------Chapter 3 is complete. I had to rewrite this chapter since it deleted itself last night. But oh well. Peace out

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