"Whatever, just remember Harry it's me and the fans or her" Celeste rolled her eyes and walked away. "Katelyn, can I talk to you?" before I could even respond Kenzie stepped in front to speak for me."She doesn't need to talk to you. C'mon Katelyn you don't need him, he is a waist of time" As we started to walk away Harry yanked my arm, . "Katelyn don't listen to her" Harry telling me not to listen to Kenzie was unbelievable, why should I listen to him? "Shut up Harry! Katelyn let's go, he doesn't love you he's just a player" I love Kenzie for sticking up for me but I really wanted to talk to him, just hear his explanation for him with Celeste behind my back. We turned away and started walking back to the front doors of the school, but just as I thought Harry was done talking I heard him yell from behind. "That's not true! Kenzie you are just jealous that Katelyn and I have something we never did" I looked at Kenzie to see her reaction; I watched as a tear slid down her face but she didn't yell at Harry she ignored it. I was curious about his past and her's; I could see the tension between them. It was clear they dated because of what Celeste and Harry said, but I wanted to know why it ended so bad. It must of ended bad because it doesn't seem like Kenzie or Harry can have a civil conversation.

"Sleep over at my house? Some of my friends are coming, but you don't know them" I guess a sleepover wouldn't be so bad, it would help get my mind off things and my mom would realize I actually have made a friend. "Sure" I smiled. We parted our ways for our next classes.


I sat down in Drama, waiting for Kenzie to show up but she still hasn't and the bell is about to go off. I heard a buzz coming from my bag to see an unread message.

Kenzie: Won't be in Drama! Going shopping with my friends, you should come with!

As much as I wanted to skip drama and go shopping with Kenzie, I had two reasons not to. One, I had no money; and two I would be in so much trouble if my mom found out I missed second period for an argument and 6 period to shop.

Me: Can't sorry Kenzie! But still up for that sleepover tonight?

Kenzie: Kay, and yeah my place after school.

Soon after Kenzie sent me her address. I put my phone away and as I looked up I saw a familiar pair of eyes staring at me. I should of broke eye contact but I couldn't, his green orbs were breath taking. I watched as his body got up from his desk and walk my way; I quickly put my head down, not wanting to stare at him any longer."Someone sitting here?" His raspy voice spoke. "erm... no" I shyly said, as he flashed me a smile.

His cold finger tips touch the back of my hand giving me chills; I quickly pulled away. He left me heartbroken a couple of hours ago and he is now acting like nothing happened."Something wrong?" was he oblivious? Obviously he had hurt my feelings when I saw him making out with Celeste, and he knew he hurt Kenzie's feelings. I could see it in her emotions, I haven't know her that long but she didn't seem like the one to cry. Harry put a piece of hair behind my ear and I reacted with a flinch. I heard him laugh, "Don't touch me"

"Katelyn I can explain everything, tonight come over?" Harry's moist lips touch my neck, I felt a jolt of electricity go through my body. His warm hand touched my thigh, "H-harry.. Stop! Stop!" I pushed his hand off me, as his head raised from my neck. His touch just melted inside, no wonder every girl would fall for him."No Harry. I'm d-done kay, just leave me alone. You are no good"

"You should be thanking me"

"Thanking you for what?"

"You are lucky I didn't tell Celeste about you 'kittykatkate'. Your life would suck" was he threatening me? Was this my big secret he was going to use. ugh I can't stand him. "My life would suck? Really, what about your fans hmm? The second people find out what a two timing jerk you are, will make your life suck"

"Who's going to say something? I haven't been with anyone that hasn't done anything, I've only slept with girls with no strings attached.Sexyphotochat isn't a dating site and you should know that" I knew it wasn't and I knew my expectations of the guys I would get comments from. But deep down I truly believed Harry was different, I just want him to be the same guy I thought he was.

"You know what Harry I'm done. I thought you were different"

Harry's POV

"You know what Harry I'm done. I thought you were different" Katelyn spat and walked away. WHAT THE FUCK AM I DOING? I shouldn't be acting this way, I know I'm being a dick but I can't fall in love. I thought if I was rude I wouldn't have this much feelings for her; but I'm wrong. I can't stand seeing her hurt, I need to fix this. My only problem is if I ditch Celeste she will make Katelyn's life terrible plus the boys and our lives, not to mention our career a mess. She always wanted me for fame; I knew that. I was fine with it because I only wanted her for her, not a relationship.I just need to change, I need Katelyn back. I don't even know if that's possible, I know Kenzie is going to tell her a lot about us and she will end up hating me forever...


Sorry beautifuls I went on vacation! I had wifi but didn't get barely any time to write. sorry for the delay and I know I said I would update last week but if you read my message board I said I could update a small chapter if you like and no one responded so I went to bed and left for vacation 3am next day.

Yeah..um so I've been thinking I really don't like my story and I've had comments saying they didn't want sexual content and stuff which I don't understand being that the tittle has sex in it. And I really hate not pleasing everyone it makes me start to think differently about my story.. I', considering deleting my account, plus some of my friends found out and think its weird so idkk

Thanks for all the comments and votes. I try to respond to most but when I didn;'t have time to use wifi I didn't have time right now to answer all BUT I do read all comments and it puts a smile on my face xx Your kind words are amazing, love you :)x

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