Chapter 19. Second Date Part 1

Start from the beginning

He began kicking me with his right foot with all of his night.

"Please, no more pain..." I pleaded quietly as I started to drift off into unconsciousness. Tears were burning my eyes.

He leaned closer and said, "What's that? More pain?" he started laughing evilly and kicked faster and harder, "You're a worthless son," I heard my father say before I passed out from both hunger and pain.

I bolted up from the nightmare to feel Mina violently shaking me.

"Come on! Get up already!!" she pleaded. I saw that tears threatened to fall.

I noticed that my face was wet and Mina wiped away my drying tears with her hands.

She sighed in relief, "Are you alright now? I woke up to find you crying and shaking in your sleep. You nearly worried me to death Sora!" Mina explained.

"Ah. S-sorry. It was just a nightmare," I replied and I sat up since I guess I fell over while I slept.

"Do you wanna talk about it?" Mina offered as she took my hand as comfort.

I shook my head slowly, 'How would she feel if she knew about my father? She'd definitely leave me for good. No doubt about it,' I thought.

"We should get to class and make up an excuse on why we're late," I said after I stood up.

She looked up at me, her face saying that I should know something, "It's 4:37 right now," she finally said, catching on that I didn't get what her expression was implying.

My fave must've looked really shocked because she burst out laughing.

"Hey, wanna go on a date later?" I asked once as we started walking to our shoe lockers.

A/N: In Japan, they change their shoes for some reason at school. Idk why honestly, so please don't ask! Look it up if you wanna know...

Her face lit up immediately once I asked her those words, "Yessss!!!!!! Where to??" she asked happily.

I smirked, "That's for me to know and you to find out!"


Two hours later: 6:29

Mina's POV

"Did he say anything about what you should I wear??" Cana asked as we had all of the different kinds of outfits picked out.

I shook my head.

"I'll be right back then," with that, she walked out the door to go find Sora. A couple minutes later, she came back with a wide grin on her face.

"Umm... Are you ok or should I be concerned?" I asked suspiciously.

She only smiled and walked over to the outfits and picked out a dark blue, slightly formal dress. It has a thin black belt around the waist and the dress only came to about mid-thigh.

A/N: I admit, idk if that's mid-thigh in the picture. I'm really bad at body parts... I only know the simple ones! xD

I put on the dress and Cana did a French tip on my nails. Next, she started to do my hair. She straightened it perfectly and as a result, it went three inches past my butt since it was naturally wavy and is already long in the first place.

"I'm gonna be sitting on my hair all night and I'll be cringing every time," I complained, "Can't you put a messy bun in or a ponytail?" I asked.

"No way! It's so beautiful like this!!" she took a step back and admired my flowing, bright blond hair.

I sighed, knowing that I would never win against Cana.

"Ok, how about this bracelet?" she held out a silver bracelet with charms on it.

"It's so beautiful!!" I squealed as I slipped it onto my wrist, "Now, can you please do something with my hair? It's too long!" I complained.

She shook her head and stuck out her tongue playfully, "It's too beautiful!"

I grunted as she pushed me out the door and I immediately laid my eyes on Sora. He was in a dazzling black suit and his hair is freshly combed.

My eyes met his and I got trapped in his gaze. I couldn't stop studying his eyes. It was the first time I realized that they were so beautiful. Possibly the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen.

"You look... So..." he kept staring at me, looking at me from head to toe.

'Does he not like it? Oh no, what if he thinks I'm not cute enough??' I started to think since he didn't finish his sentence.

"... So beautiful..." he finally finished.

I blushed, but quickly hid my face in my long hair, "Th-thanks," I muttered.

"I guess we should get going then!" he took my hand and we started walking towards the front door.

"Hold on!" Cana shouted and ran off into my room again. She came out holding a pair of shiny black heels.

I smiled and happily took them, "Thanks, they're beautiful!" I slipped them on and walked out the door with Sora holding my hand.

"So where are we going??" I asked as we got into his car and started driving.

He only smiled and didn't say a word.

I sighed in defeat. I knew it was no use trying to win against Sora either.


Sorry for the short chapter guys... And sorry I haven't updated in a while too! I kinda had two HUGE tests this week, well, last week. I didn't even study, but I didn't wanna stay up till like 12 or later writing a chapter. I'm sorry...

I JUST WANTED TO SAY THAT I GOT SORA'S PAST FROM ANOTHER BOOK, IT WAS NOT MY IDEA!! I got it from My Sexy New Jerk of a Gym Teacher. Idk, it was on my recommended list and I didn't know what to read... DON'T JUDGE MY READING PREFERENCES!!!!! >:(

So how do you like the names of Mina's brother and sister? Isamu means "courage", Aiko means "love child", and Sora means "sky". I have no idea what Mina means. For all I know, it's made up! xD I chose the names because of the meanings since that's how I want the characters to be. They'll all fall into place eventually! :) Eventually...

Umm... Since it's already chapter 19, tell me what you think of my book so far!! Do you have any questions that weren't answered yet?

Do you ever just have this awkward moment when you're at a store and you ask someone about a sale and they say, "I don't know, I don't work here."? No? Oh, ok. It's just me then. That happened to me today! I could've sworn I had seen him at the cash register two weeks ago!!! T_T So embarrassing... T_T


Edited: 3/9/2016

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